
I am trying to do an ultra basic consolization of an MVS-1C Neo Geo. I've been struggling to find a "good" buffered RGB circuit for converting the Neo Geo's RGB to something an OSSC/gscartsw_lite connected to an LCD television can handle.
In my searching I found a GitHub project via OSHPark that seems to claim to do just this:
The description from the OSHPark link says:
With all that said, I am curious to know if anyone has tried this board out. I am planning on making one for my own usage, but was curious to hear what others thought.NEO GEO MVS to SCART RGB converter using THS7374 with correct voltage levels and 75 ohm impedance match. Smaller V2 upcoming soon.
I hope I am posting this in the correct forum. I apologize in advance if I goofed that up.