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Jul 18, 2020
Reaction score
New Orleans, LA, USA
Does anyone know if the battery on an Ataxx PCB can be safely removed? I can't find any information as to whether it is there simply to save settings/high scores/book keeping data, or, if it also of the same function as a Capcom/Sega/etc. "suicide" battery.

Many thanks!
According to the MAME driver you should be OK to remove / change it. Here you go:


For those curious, the MAME driver for most boards has a description of the ROMs and some other hardware and its function. Here it is for this game, showing the BATT is only used for book keeping / high score:

Most of these Cinematronics/Leland games use the same main board with different game-specific top boards.
Top PCB (for Off-Road)
PCA # 81-18002-2
PART # 80-18002-01
|-\         /-----------------------------------|
|  \-------/        AD7524       LM324   J8     |
|                   AD7524  AD7533      LM324 J7|
|                   AD7524       J9 LM324       |
|                   AD7524              LM339   |
|                   AD7524              LM339   |
|                   AD7524                    J6|
|                                    U75 U82    |
| U9          16MHz     U44    76C88 U74 U81    |
|            80186      U43    76C88            |
| U8                    U42           ADC0820 J5|
| U7                           U59              |
| U6                   71054   U58              |
| U5     U15   U27     71054   U57            J4|
| U4     U14   U26             U56              |
| U3     U13   U25                              |
| U2     U12   U24             U55      U68   J3|
| Z80(2)76C88  76C88           U54      Z80(1)  |
|  J1               BATT       DS1221    J2     |
      80186 - Siemens SAB80186-1-N x86 CPU. Clock input 16MHz, runs at 8MHz with an internal /2 divider.
        Z80 - Master(1) & Slave(2) Zilog Z0840006 CPU. Clock input 6.000MHz [both, 12/2]
      76C88 - Goldstar GM76C88-10 8kBx8-bit SRAM, equivalent to 6264 etc
       BATT - 3.6V AA Lithium Battery. Connected to the 2x 76C88 SRAMs just above U59. Used to hold the book-keeping data and high scores.
              Not required/essential for normal operation.