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Dec 18, 2023
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Sherman Oaks CA
Hi all, new Vewlix owner here! Ordered the Extra buttons Custom Panel from Alberto and it's on it's way in the mail. Currently my setup is SANWA buttons - > Brooks Board that lays under the panel. I'm worried the wires won't be able to reach all the way up to the Custom Panel for the Touchpad/start/select. Do people here all use extension cables or something I'm unaware of? The stock Brooks cables are kind of short and I see people all the time using Custom I/O's with brooks boards on them positioned on the top left inside the Vewlix Panel I was unsure how you got the cables to reach (using the 20pin connector).
This is how I have mine in my F. I'm like 99% sure I just used the stock brook harnesses for the extra buttons that you can get on Amazon.

PXL_20230510_205534037.jpg PXL_20230510_204935616.jpg
Oh nice! Do you notice any latency with the stock cables? Currently I have the Brooks 20 pin connector since I'm bypassing the Vewlix I/O and going straight into a PC
There is no real latency in wires for these kinds of signals, regardless of quality. The latency would only exist within the Brook board and the computer.

I will say there is a lot less latency than my previous set up using the Taito JVS IO with a JVS-PAC and a keyboard to xinput driver, so it was worth it to set up.
Yeah my main concern is the cable length as it is now, my brooks board hangs near the panel and cant be stretched too much farther so I'm worried it won't reach the Custom Extra button Panel, the Taito Harness connection is long and allows you to put your board where the FASTIO thing is