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I don't know that negative feedback would've been justified in this situation unless there are really spicy details we're all unaware of, but if no money changed hands, it was never yours. Rewrite has no obligation to listen to counters from you or anyone else, and he can sell to whoever he wants, for whatever reason he wants.

Best of luck with your future searches.
I don't know that negative feedback would've been justified in this situation unless there are really spicy details we're all unaware of, but if no money changed hands, it was never yours. Rewrite has no obligation to listen to counters from you or anyone else, and he can sell to whoever he wants, for whatever reason he wants.

Best of luck with your future searches.
It's literally the least spicy thing you could possibly read unfortunately.
Hey everyone,

I apologize for my behaviour earlier. I was not screwed over as money was never exchanged between us but I am just upset that rewrite bailed on me mid discussion like he said on the PM and wish he at least gave me a chance to counter offer the deal from the other buyer. I was not given that opportunity at all. I will not be posting a negative feedback and don’t want issues within the community moving forward.

I have a lot of love for everyone who is in this hobby and have a lot of respect for those who are in it for the long haul.

I really hope to find another Q25 one day soon.


You have always been good on this forum and I totally understand your frustration of missing out on something you like.

That being said @rewrite has always been a good seller and made his intentions clear during his sales process. If you’re dead set on a Capcom. I can connect you with a future seller here ;).

A Q25 sold for less than that only a few months back and I doubt it will be the last time you come across a sale of one.

It seems to me that the less I want a cab the more sales offerings come across my feed.

Best of luck to all parties involved in this sale
I know people get mad salty about the California Candy Cab Cartel but when you're trying to move something with a local pickup cash deal and the CA in your location stands for Canada it's just harder to compete.

I'm sure it was nothing personal. Shipping is a huge pain in the ass, dealing with Not Cash is annoying and getting increasingly complicated, and people just want to do things the easy way. Local sales usually gonna win out.

In pinball we say "cash on the glass", for this maybe it's "cash on the control panel".
Rewrite screwed me over guys! I cannot believe this at all! Price was set and everything and I was ready to purchase today! I will post the whole discussion on Negative feedback Wow!!!
I dont know if is ok to post negative feeback for this reason . But yeah , some of us put feelings and emotions in the heart and i think you will see the things in other ways after this situation calm little bit . Not worth to put on the heart sad situations . Consider this wasnt be to be for you this time👍🏻

I dont know if is ok to post negative feeback for this reason . But yeah , some of us put feelings and emotions in the heart and i think you will see the things in other ways after this situation calm little bit . Not worth to put on the heart sad situations . Consider this wasnt be to be for you this time👍🏻

Wise words you never know what the future may hold :D