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IC4 is not needed for Ikaruga, as it's all 0xFF. The second half of the first 8MB block is NOT all 0's, and thus 'outside your skill level' :)

I checked the 27C322 and it's OK, also gave the soldered flash pieces an inspection under the microscope and they look ok.

Does anyone know how the checksums in rom-check are calculated? I much prefer to check a checksum, than to de-solder and verify stuff.


The little blue board is just an 1117 board I picked up from Ali, as it looks clean and is cheaper than anything I could bodge up myself, 1.69USD SHIPPED for 10 pcs :)
I don't like your picture The title should be taken from the contents of IC22 and the results are not calculated at all ?

You should be able to do the checksumming with the original IC22 from HMG.
the fact in shows "UNKNOWN TITLE" means IC22 is NOT ok - BIOS read start of ROM board area, but there was no valid "NAOMI" signature.
perhaps there is smth wrong jumpers ?

Does anyone know how the checksums in rom-check are calculated?
it is simple sum of 8bit and 16bit words. however I don't think it works correctly if no valid NAOMI ROM header was found, because size of each ROM stored in header.
Yeah I would check IC22, even my board with 0 roms on it will show up as "CVS2" after I programmed ic22.
Did a quick check,and you're right - thanks for input.

IC22 for Ikaruga works
IC22 HMG works

but not in the cart I'm working on. It used to work, as I took a video of it before surgery to document the failure of IC4 which turned out to be physically broken pins. Could be the cart was flaky to begin with and that the surgery tipped it over.

Not sure how much time I'm going to put into this as it was merely meant as a break from delta-cycles and meta-stability (upscaler :)), and CF boot really is 'the only way' but it's good to know where the error lies :)
Sorry if I'm hijacking this thread.. Got a little further. Removed all IC's I had soldered on, still no go with IC22. Then after a bit of poking around with the scope and multimeter, I noticed Q3 and Q11 had continuity. I really like it when you have the needed tools at hand, so I have gotten a lot of tools lately :)
Found the culprit under the microscope - no chance with (my) naked eyes , and after being cleared - test menu now shows Ikaruga. The short was caused during hot-air removal of mask roms.



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You're not hijacking the thread, I think everyone (myself included) is interested in your results.

So is the game working for you now?
Well, I am the thread starter, so I can say you actually put this thread back on track; it was hijacked with thoughts of a Darksoft Naomi Multi along the way. Keep at it brutha. We all would like to accomplish this at some point.
maybe I missed it but which carts are suitable donor carts? and which model chips are being used for this?

I'd like to try my hand at making an Ikaruga cart as well... my SMD skills are shit so it'd be good to get some practice.
maybe I missed it but which carts are suitable donor carts? and which model chips are being used for this?

I'd like to try my hand at making an Ikaruga cart as well... my SMD skills are shit so it'd be good to get some practice.
All donor boards thus far have been Sega N1 boards.
Any 171-7919A board.

There's a list of them here http://members.iinet.net.au/~lantra9jp1_nbn/gurudumps/naomi/index.html

Finished my cart, I did have to get a $250 programmer to actually program these flash proms though. It's actually a little annoying to cleanly solder these proms because the pads are so long, so now I see why his solder job was a little medicore.

I cut traces to the vcc pins, I was first going to cut the trace going to the caps but 5v comes from the vias, so I had to cut the trace to the pads.

I'm glad mine worked first try, gonna go clean up these pads a little bit and throw some hot glue down.


e: I've gotten around to testing it with sound and I'm actually having a sound problem where the volume is panning left/right and increasing/decreasing.
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Finished my cart, I did have to get a $250 programmer to actually program these flash proms though. It's actually a little annoying to cleanly solder these proms because the pads are so long, so now I see why his solder job was a little medicore.
Great job~

What programmer did you end up buying? I've been putting off buying a new one for too long now.

And Joerg's soldering jobs are bad under all conditions :/.
Finished my cart, I did have to get a $250 programmer to actually program these flash proms though. It's actually a little annoying to cleanly solder these proms because the pads are so long, so now I see why his solder job was a little medicore.
Great job~
What programmer did you end up buying? I've been putting off buying a new one for too long now.

And Joerg's soldering jobs are bad under all conditions :/.
I bought the cheapest one I can find, a Chinese Xeltek Superpro 610P. I expected a bootleg programmer but it works in the official software. I suspect it's just for the Chinese domestic market.
that programmer need an adapter right also?
Yeah just a cheap PSOP44 to DIP44 adapter.

I regret not testing the sound on this cart before I did this conversion because I'm not sure if it's a cart issue or an issue with my soldering. I guess I'll know for sure when my other ones from Japan get here.

I don't think it's a prom issue since all of the sound data is there. It's kind of inconsistent when it starts to go out. All sounds aren't affected as well, seems to only be specific tracks, like the background music. It's not a Naomi issue since CVS2 on my Dimm works fine. It kind of reminds me of like bootleg mvs carts with PCM issues.
IC27-IC32 under IC1 also get pretty hot to the touch, not sure if that's normal.

Here's a video, it does it near the end of the attract.

maybe I missed it but which carts are suitable donor carts? and which model chips are being used for this?

I'd like to try my hand at making an Ikaruga cart as well... my SMD skills are shit so it'd be good to get some practice.
I bet this job would be easier with a stencil. Excuse to buy yourself a laser cutter and a hot air station!
