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I got the Jasens case. Will most likely sell it off. The mounting for the dip bank isn’t ideal. You need to use a little screwdriver, toothpick or whatever to change the dips as they’re recessed deep into the case and man sized fingers won’t reach.
I haven't opened my case since I'm working on checking if my CPS3 board works or if I need another. I was wondering if adding a 3D printed block to raise the dip bank would work. I haven't seen the finished case but I assume you should be able to raise the dip bank. Also, I haven't been on the discord in a whille but is it just for me or did the discord server disappear for everyone?
I don't think it's possible because there's mounting posts that sit in the recess... I need to revisit it.

I'm thinking if I did keep the case, I'd just use the mounting hole to feed the selector out of, similar to what I did with my @hursit case.

The CPS-2 case is well too heavy and bulky for my liking, I honestly think, for me, nothing beats the original Capcom CPS-2 case as I'm not looking to ever use HDMI or other enhancements.
If Ekorz passes on the CPS3 case, let me know, I'll probably take it off your hands.

So nobody was able to get these Taobao cases?
Will research the DIP switch situation and see if I still like the case. If I sell then @ekorz is first in line, then yourself.

Please no more "dibbs" messages or PM's about it.
I think that I have one en route.. I bought one. It arrived at the forwarder (superbuy). Then began a saga of woe and much frustration. I've had to disengage from communication from them 3 times because it was making me so angry. I even got a phonecall, which was a nice touch.

I will not use superbuy again.
Will research the DIP switch situation and see if I still like the case. If I sell then @ekorz is first in line, then yourself.

Please no more "dibbs" messages or PM's about it.
I look forward to read your thoughts about the DIP switch.
Happy with mine




I bought it on a french forum. It’s out of stock now and the guy won’t make it new batch beacause acrylic is too expansive now.
I bought it on a french forum. It’s out of stock now and the guy won’t make it new batch beacause acrylic is too expansive now.

Looks like everyone is officially SOL on CPS3 cases in general now. TR Fightstick stopped making the metal cases, Jasen's Customs just did his final run, now acrylic cases are out.

Guess your best bet now is to see if any of the original metal cages come up that someone is willing to part with, and even those are beginning to become a rarity.
Looks like everyone is officially SOL on CPS3 cases in general now. TR Fightstick stopped making the metal cases, Jasen's Customs just did his final run, now acrylic cases are out.

Guess your best bet now is to see if any of the original metal cages come up that someone is willing to part with, and even those are beginning to become a rarity.
I dont know the others but , the producing the metal arcade cases is not profitable. Because it doesnt sell well . The efforts, time, and another things not worth it actually
I decided to focus another projects because of these reasons ;)
Yea I think so.

I was responding to this statement.
ie Highflow.nl is actively (in stock) selling acrylic cases.
Oh I thought you did your final run of CPS3 cases based on a twitter post from a while ago. If not yet, then good to know. :thumbup:
I'm JasSIN... He is JasEN. We are different people (but I am a long time fan of his work/owned one of his first supergun designs). ;)
I ended up getting one of the Taobao cases, and... oh boy, strap yourselves in.

Overall, the construction seems pretty good, the top sides are actually curved and it seems like they put some thought into this, lack of access to the volume pot not withstanding. However, dreams fall apart under closer scrutiny:
  1. It's not immediately obvious how to mount the board. You can't bolt it to the bottom half of the plexi because the bolt holes don't line up, no mounting hardware is included, and it wouldn't fit through the cutouts in the top of the case this way. It took me a few minutes to realize they may want you to use generic PCB feet, so I tried that.
  2. The mounting holes seem to be off by just enough that the bolts won't go in straight. It works, but it looks very imprecise. Since the holes are not countersunk, you either have a bolt head sticking out, or unsightly/uneven countersunk heads if you used what you had laying around like me. ;)
  3. It looks like the cutouts are misaligned enough that some JAMMA connectors (like Hirose) can't seat all the way up against the board. I tried a JST edge connector and that also had an issue. It still works like this, but it's not ideal in my view.
  4. The board flexes like crazy when you put in a cart. I might try to add some center supports.
  5. The SCSI and Molex connectors are completely offset from the cutout to the point where they are unusuable. The case is basically useless in this state.
I don't know if I just got unlucky and received a dud, but I spent... way too much for this, and I don't really want to bother my friend to argue with the seller, so I am probably going to try to get this reworked at a local shop or sell it to recoup my loss. If anyone has any ideas on something I may have missed or something else I should try, let me know.


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Update: Did some measuring and I am pretty sure what happened with the SCSI & Molex side is that they put that piece of acrylic on backwards. :thumbdown: I tested this theory by removing the case and aligning it such that the acrylic would face the "correct" orentiation, and sure enough...

I'd just fix this myself, but I'm gonna guess the adhesive isn't easy to remove without the rights tools and experience, so going to take this to a local shop and let them deal with it. Maybe even counter sink the screw holes. I'm also going to ask my friend to talk to the Taobao seller and see what happened.