ok, I have reformatted the SD card and I reload the new menu. Now it seems that the cart works correctly. I noticed some little glitches, but the games that I tried, works.
I tried again Matrimelee, in SLOT 1 and in SLOT 2, and it works.
I noticed this strange thing. In the manual it is written:
Hold Start + UP for 3 seconds => Switch Slot to next game
Hold Start + RIGHT for 3 seconds => Go Back to Menu
but in the HELP option there is written the opposite:
Hold Start + UP for 3 seconds => Go Back to Menu
Hold Start + RIGHT for 3 seconds => Switch Slot to next game
I have a question: when I am in the menù with the 3 slot, if I push START, it is needed 3/4 seconds before to start the animation of the changing page. I mean: when I push START, it doesn't happen anything for 3 o 4 seconds. Is it normal? And sometimes I noticed that if I push START (or Hold Start+Right during the game), it doesn't happen anything...it seems that there are still some problems in this functionality..do you experience same issue?