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Thanks @jacklick

there was no change in the CPLD code, so basically just improvements and stability with power fluctuations in the design. That means that the new BIOS and Eprom will work as well.

The new BIOS will load games both LHA compressed and regular, just be aware that usually BIOS and Eproms go together. If the Eprom has games LHA compressed, they will only work with the corresponding BIOS.
I finally went through and tried to load every game. Latest code on -3 fat board set
BURGER TIME-JP = loads and plays burnin-rubber every time.
DS TELEJAN-JP = This must be a cocktail 2 player only game.
NIGHT STAR-US SET 1 = Won't load, resets to game menu
TREASURE ISLAND-US SET 1 = loads but graphics are messed up

If it verified the roms/code needs to be updated and you choose to do so
-I would vote removing one of the duplicates and adding the "test cassette" rom. please
-change p1+p2+coin reset to p1+p2+b1 or something. pretty please.
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Interesting. I guess the Widel code in post 1 is newer but doesn't include the test tape rom.
looks like I have some bad memory on bio board. No idea which chip D450 would refer to though.

2021-08-02 21.47.52.jpg
@jacklick What is this screen telling me on mine?:

So I got this going tonight fully.
Ugliest JAMMA adapter I have ever made, but it works. I made a 50p breakout board and started testing games.

MAIN Question - is there a key combo during gameplay that will go back to menu or do I have to turn off and reboot for a different game?

I am using v15 romset from @Darksoft

I have tested 75% of the games so far, he is what I have found on my setup (slim boards):

Night Star - both romsets (US/JP) NO Deco SCreen, just abunch of red lines, will boot, coin up and begin game, once the ship is loaded with cargo and tries to launch, screen goes yellow and game reboots.

Test Tape - I don't get any sounds from 1 and 2, 3 and 4 seem to be the same sound? But my hearing isnt perfect so maybe there are some differences. 1 and 2 are def zero sounds though.

Fighthing Ice Hockey - DECO boot screen all jacked up, but game boots and seems to play fine

Pro Bowling - No DECO boot screen, but game boots and seems to play fine

Pro Soccer - DECO boot screen all jacked up, but game boots and seems to play fine

Rootin Tootin - DECO boot screen SUPER jacked up, but game boots and seems to play fine

Zeroize - DECO boot screen SUPER jacked up, but game boots and seems to play fine

I am guessing the jacked up boot screens came from the rom dump from tape, but wanted to check. As of right now, only game that wont play (out of 75% I tested) is both versions of Night Star.

Let me know what you all think, and checkout this ugly pig below:


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So I got this going tonight fully.
Ugliest JAMMA adapter I have ever made, but it works. I made a 50p breakout board and started testing games.

MAIN Question - is there a key combo during gameplay that will go back to menu or do I have to turn off and reboot for a different game?

I am using v15 romset from @Darksoft

I have tested 75% of the games so far, he is what I have found on my setup (slim boards):

Night Star - both romsets (US/JP) NO Deco SCreen, just abunch of red lines, will boot, coin up and begin game, once the ship is loaded with cargo and tries to launch, screen goes yellow and game reboots.

Test Tape - I don't get any sounds from 1 and 2, 3 and 4 seem to be the same sound? But my hearing isnt perfect so maybe there are some differences. 1 and 2 are def zero sounds though.

Fighthing Ice Hockey - DECO boot screen all jacked up, but game boots and seems to play fine

Pro Bowling - No DECO boot screen, but game boots and seems to play fine

Pro Soccer - DECO boot screen all jacked up, but game boots and seems to play fine

Rootin Tootin - DECO boot screen SUPER jacked up, but game boots and seems to play fine

Zeroize - DECO boot screen SUPER jacked up, but game boots and seems to play fine

I am guessing the jacked up boot screens came from the rom dump from tape, but wanted to check. As of right now, only game that wont play (out of 75% I tested) is both versions of Night Star.

Let me know what you all think, and checkout this ugly pig below:
So I fixed most of this. Problem is I can't help others very well.
I removed 6116 one at a time, tested, passed.

I removed 2114 one at a time, tested, passed.

Socekted all 4, replaced with new 6116 and 9114 and now the mem test for BIO board is resolved.

With this resolution, Night Star, both romsets are working perfectly now.

Only problem i have left to figure is sounds 1/2 not giving any samples.
MAIN Question - is there a key combo during gameplay that will go back to menu or do I have to turn off and reboot for a different game?
Hold down p1+p2 then hit coin switch to reset.

Regarding the memory test.
It looks like the first Hex digits likely represent 16bit address bus and the binary is data bits returned.
On my error it seems the same address is responding with a stuck data bit ?
On yours maybe it was more of an addressing issue or the consistent error was lower 4 data bits?

Honestly I have no idea.
@Darksoft @Mitsurugi-w what is the process to test my hardware with the Widel originals?
Is there a 27c160 version of the multi that works with the V0B bios I found for Widel?
I am to narrow down an audio test tape issue and wanted to use a non-darksoft version of the software to test it.

I got a second RMS8 pcb to swap in, same exact problem, so I am wondering now if it is coming off a different pcb, or if it may be a software problem, not hardware.

All my games seem to work with correct sounds, but while troubleshooting a different memory problem (fixed) and while in the test tape, I get no audio from channel 1 or 2, just 3 and 4.
If someone can post or DM me with the correct files for me to burn and test, it would be very much appreciated. I am super stoked to get this one tied up fully and mounted with my new kickass Darksoft multi holder I designed :)

We have the original widel multi. It does require the widel bios but it has much fewer games and it doesn't have the test tape to my knowledge.
We have the original widel multi. It does require the widel bios but it has much fewer games and it doesn't have the test tape to my knowledge.
I guess a better question I should have asked is if someone else can go through with a -8 boardset and the most recent version of the multi, do the Test Tape program and see if they get sounds from 1/2 as well as 3/4. If they do (which I suspect they will) then I know it is hardware here and I will start tracking it backwards.
We have the original widel multi. It does require the widel bios but it has much fewer games and it doesn't have the test tape to my knowledge.

This is a Widel version I grabbed from somewhere. It has the test tape code. You have to concatenate low & high to 1MB file for 27c080.
It does support a lot less games.


  • widel_decomult_mame.zip
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This is a Widel version I grabbed from somewhere. It has the test tape code. You have to concatenate low & high to 1MB file for 27c080.
It does support a lot less games.
27c800 on order.
I tried doing concat and doubling onto 27c160 and it crapped out.
I think I did LHLH, maybe I need to do LLHH?
27c800 on order.
I tried doing concat and doubling onto 27c160 and it crapped out.
I think I did LHLH, maybe I need to do LLHH?
LHLH is used when you want to read 16 bits with 8 bits coming out of each chip. In this case, good ol' DECO has a fascinating amount of 8 bits, so just concatenate should be enough. Can you please PM me that Widel version. I want to check if it's already dumped.
I have tried everything I can possibly find to get the Widel code to load on my multi and all I get is a black screen.
I am using -8 boards.

If I burn the latest Darksoft version, it fires up.
Any Widel version I try - eats shit.

I am trying to troubleshoot something on sound test (1-2 produce no sounds) and I have swapped in a second audio board and get same results, so I am trying to narrow it down to software or hardware.

Any help is greatly appreciated. I am in need for a 27c800 rom and 2732 bios for Widel that works with -8 stack, must have test tape in widel rom, dont care about any games, just test tape.

I have tried everything I can possibly find to get the Widel code to load on my multi and all I get is a black screen.
I am using -8 boards.

If I burn the latest Darksoft version, it fires up.
Any Widel version I try - eats shit.

I am trying to troubleshoot something on sound test (1-2 produce no sounds) and I have swapped in a second audio board and get same results, so I am trying to narrow it down to software or hardware.

Any help is greatly appreciated. I am in need for a 27c800 rom and 2732 bios for Widel that works with -8 stack, must have test tape in widel rom, dont care about any games, just test tape.

For our multi you just need one BIOS on the DECO stack and of course the big EPROM (27c800 or 27c160) on the Multi itself.
For Widel multi, I think that you need to replace only one Eprom and leave the other original one where it is. Did you do that?
The bios is different. Widel boots with his bios and ours boots with our bios.
I tried to the 2732 for bios and 27c800 for rom and get black screen, no love.
@jacklick is using -3 phat stack, I am using -8 slim stack.

Doe Anyone have a known working Widel Rom and Bios that I can use to test -8 slim stack?
I can get the latest @Darksoft romset and bios to work so I know that my hardware works, but I am trying to narrow down a sound test issue and want to get widel code to run the Test Tape and see how it works compared to how the test tape works on DS romset.


  • Scuba_DECO_Widel Test.zip
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That sounds very weird. Both test tapes should work the same and widel's kit has always been super compatible.
That sounds very weird. Both test tapes should work the same and widel's kit has always been super compatible.
I cant even get the menu to come up, its not that the test tape doesnt work, I can't even get a menu to come up at all