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Aug 27, 2019
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Hello fellas,

Hope you and your loved ones are doing fine in this strange times.

Ok so, I am currently trying to find some decent sized artworks about the Fuuki franchise of Vs Fighting game :
Asura Blade: Sword of Dynasty
and Asura Buster

Because I would like to create Instruction Cards and Move Lists for those games in English language, with visuals from the characters.

Problem is Fuuki Games didn't last long enough to have a chance to publish an artbook about their games, so it is really hard to find good high resolution illustrations for the Asura franchise.
I searched everywhere and it is virtually imposssible to find some over the internet, I am really at aloss.

So if someone on this forum could help me with this or point me in the right direction, I would be very grateful.

Thanks in advance,

Take care y'all, good gaming and stay safe !
Yeah thanks for the tip ekorz but I was already aware of this kit.

The thing is I actually have a Asura Blade I bought a few months back for 100 euros.

So I would just like to create an english friendly artset kit.
Or getting an original artset without paying a ton of money for it.
Even better, if an official artbook exists, I would gladly buy it to cretae my owns.
Well let’s hope the lockdown ends soon and I can scan my art. Or if I get down to my office I’ll scan it there
Thanks ekorz !
That indeed would be quite generous of you if you could share the scans ^^
Hi Ekorz

Many thanks !
They look very clean.

I will get right to work on the Asura Blade ones :)
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Hello everyone,
It took some time, but I managed to fianlly make an English version of the Asura Blade instruction Card and move list.

For the record, this is a personal project ; I am no graphic designer in any way, and am not a photoshop user.

It is my first attempt at this so the result might not be as good as you would hope.

Here are samples of the English versions:

If you would like the full size images, PM me and I wills end them your way.

Take care and happy gaming y'all.