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Nov 10, 2018
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Anyone interested in a Clean working final fight board? Looking to trade for a 10mhz Hyper Fighting. pic cropped because of the size limit.


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Hyper Fighting came on a 12mhz board... If you see one with a 10mhz A-board its a mismatch.

If you really, really want to run HF on a 10mhz A-board, surprise!
You already have one attached to that Final Fight, just ask to trade B+C boards.
There’s a big debate on which is the “preferred” tournament speed of Hyper Fighting. I have the 12mhz version already, but I’m looking to have both for completions and competitions sake.
There’s a big debate on which is the “preferred” tournament speed of Hyper Fighting.
There is? What's to debate? Dash is the board set for Hyper Fighting, anything else was a cheap conversion. Weird.

Anyways, you're offering a totally fair trade imo, if someone has such a beast lying around they should take it. My Hyper Fighting is 12mhz, as it should be. :D
Aurich it’s really weird, but in SoCal the 10mhz boards are preferred, and in Norcal, the 12mhz boards are. The debate in the competitive community is which one should be used as the tournament standard, and according to hardcore hyper players, the strategy actually differs depending on which version is used. The 10mhz is slower, but has harder inputs. 12 is closer to super turbo, but certain combos are easier to do.
I live in SoCal, been to plenty WNF’s, I’ve hosted multiple fighting game tourneys in the HB and Irvine areas...never have I once heard about this debate.

Is this something recent brought on from the younger crowd? I can tell you for sure that the old guard isn’t debating this.
12mhz is the only true board to play on. It’s what the devs intended.

Queue @jassin000 for the highlander theory in 3, 2, 1...
I would tend to agree, but you know how fickle the hardcore FGC can be about things. This is the same group that refuses to use the Blue ST board for tournament play, even though the main difference (competition wise) between them are an altered dizzy property on one of Zangiefs moves.
Debating which revision of a game to use in tournaments has merit and makes sense. Debating whether using a motherboard that was never meant to be used for the game does not. If debating that is important then it might be time to retire the game from tournament play for awhile.

Just my opinion. There is no doubt the game plays different between the two different motherboards. But why does it even need to be debated which is correct? My head is spinning...
Aurich it’s really weird, but in SoCal the 10mhz boards are preferred
I'm in SoCal, I'm 'hardcore' FGC, I've been playing since World Warrior, I was a Hyper Fighting player, and I've never heard of this. Who are we talking about? Out them, I'm gonna make fun of them, haha. There's hardly even a Hyper Fighting scene, maybe the people who play at 82, no idea what board that is. To be precious about this is too funny to me.

SSF2X is the tournament standard, that's normal. ST is a Japanese game, it makes sense. 10mhz Hyper Fighting is some conversion nonsense lol.
12MHz, period

And if you really want to play it with 10MHz, just swap A boards, no special version needed
Aurich the 82 board is 10mhz. Apparently the one at Super arcade is as well. Also maybe I should have changed the wording from preferred to “most used” lol.
Aurich the 82 board is 10mhz. Apparently the one at Super arcade is as well. Also maybe I should have changed the wording from preferred to “most used” lol.
That's just shameful then! I don't know who runs their vids, I only know the pinball side of 82. But damn, put a proper board in there. I don't really talk with Molly much these days, but if I see her I'll ask.

I have nothing to say about Mike Watson except that he knows better if that's actually the case. :P
I would say it’s more availability than anything. But it is something that HAS come up Hahaha.
SSF2X is the tournament standard, that's normal. ST is a Japanese game, it makes sense.
I think this is also because of preference... i.e. 2x and ST don't run at the exact same speeds. Even with the same motherboard. That is speed usa speed 2 and japanese speed 3 are the closest equivalence, but not exactly the same. I would like more details about this if anyone knows.
I think this is also because of preference
It's because Japan plays ST, Japan is the standard bearer, going to Japan to play at Hey etc is the pilgrimage. So of course people want to play on the Japanese boards, so that when they score that plane ticket they're feeling in tip top shape to get bodied by some 50 year old salaryman chain smoking in his business suit, straight off of work to hit the arcade. :D
No, i'm saying Japan doesn't play ST. Japan plays 2x. they're different games, beyond just name swaps. If you have certain 1 frame link combos down on one, it doesn't exactly translate to the other. Similar to 10 vs 12 MHz argument.

But yes I agree, people want to play on whatever they plan in Japan. I have both boards, but I play my ST more.

One other factor is without a rom hack, or convoluted setup process, only ST has a freeplay option.
No, i'm saying Japan doesn't play ST. Japan plays 2x. they're different games, beyond just name swaps.
Sure, you're right, but in the US we say "ST" still either way, it's a convention or habit I guess. If you go to a tournament Tania and Eugene are running everyone will say ST, and they'll be using the 2X ROMs off supergun with an Undamned CPS2.

It could get confusing for sure, but everyone knows the deal, and if you play ST you're either in the little club or you don't play competitively and it really doesn't matter.
I read all that stuff recently from so cal about HF and I'm not convinced the people complaining about 10 vs 12 even understand what they're actually playing on. 12 MHz is the only actual real version of this game and it doesn't run super fast or CE slow. It just runs correctly because it's designed to be a CE conversion, which itself is natively 12 MHz. I'm just gonna assume the people not used to the actual real game have been playing some bootleg version, emulation at the wrong speed, or bad console versions. I don't care if they're top players, they're not immune to being wrong.
the 10 mhz vs 12mhz debate has been around in the fgc since the game came out.

Yes HF was mostly designed with the dash board in mind(12mhz). But the 10mhz upgrade kits are incredibly common. Especially back in 1993. Arcades didnt buy full brand new HF kits, when they have 10+ CE cabs, they bought the eeprom upgrade. To run into a dedicated 12mhz HF machine in 1993 was not common at all, it seemed

All of the major arcades where I'm from all had 10mhz, due to being much cheaper and less stock overhead. I also do remember socal doing 10mhz at the time when I frequently visited.

I'm sure I could find out a rough sales disparity between full kits vs eproms upgrades as I know the people that worked on HF. Maybe can provide some insight.

Arguing ST vs SSF2x is ridiculous. It's the same shit. They share the same exact problems gameplay wise, the same stages have the same speed variances. The turbo speed labeling is just different.

Even the other region roms like world, vary slightly with turbo settings, do we call it something else too? Cmon now
ST is just quicker and easier to say. That's hella arguing semantics
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