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Jul 25, 2020
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Tucson, az
I've tried 3 sets of bios and they seem to flash but it doesn't display the custom splash screen with MB 2011. I don't know what else to do. Did I buy a dud? Am I missing something. This is infuriating. 20210710_130441.jpg20210710_130446.jpg20210710_130449.jpg20210710_131755.png20210710_130526.jpg20210710_130527.jpgcan someone help?
What are you using to test the board with, an original game or a CF card using an adapter?
CF with adapter of course. Isn't that the whole reason to flash it?
The 00001 error can occur when you’re using a CF card that the G-Net doesn’t like, or the game flashed incorrectly. That’s why it’s always good to have an original game on hand so that you can test the main functions of the board after flashing the Mod BIOS. You could have found this info by searching in threads on here. The system gave you an error code, after all.
The 00001 error can occur when you’re using a CF card that the G-Net doesn’t like, or the game flashed incorrectly. That’s why it’s always good to have an original game on hand so that you can test the main functions of the board after flashing the Mod BIOS. You could have found this info by searching in threads on here. The system gave you an error code, after all.
Yes, I was aware of the error code and what it could mean. Doesn't explain the splash screen. I should still get a custom splash screen. I did scour the previous posts. I followed the advice and guides. An original game would be nice to test but I don't have one.any ideas?
Yes, I was aware of the error code and what it could mean. Doesn't explain the splash screen. I should still get a custom splash screen. I did scour the previous posts. I followed the advice and guides. An original game would be nice to test but I don't have one.any ideas?
I just tested my flashed G-Net mobo with a known *incompatible* CF card, and it *does not* bring up the Mod Bios 2011 splash screen. It shows the original Taito 1998 splash screen. It’s your CF card. Get others.
I just tested my flashed G-Net mobo with a known *incompatible* CF card, and it *does not* bring up the Mod Bios 2011 splash screen. It shows the original Taito 1998 splash screen. It’s your CF card. Get others.
Thanks for checking that. I have some other on the way. BTW I'm using chdman to create the img files and win32diskimager to write.
Can anyone recommend a compatible flash card? Preferably one thats tried and tested. Having same problem and was about to replace bios eeprom until i saw this thread.