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Jul 21, 2015
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So I got tired of my GQ-4X refusing to burn chips half the time so I bought myself a Top3000 as a number of people have claimed it works better than the GQ-4X.

Well I got it in but Windows (7 64-bit) refuses to recognize the drivers. it came with a disc that has the Topall software version 8.? I run the installer as admin, as required. The installation works fine without any errors, but the device manager just sees it as "Unknown Device". I found Topall version 8.36 drivers online and installed those and there is no change.

I've rebooted, unplugged all other USB devices, ran windows updates, even tried another PC (also win 7 64-bit) and the results were the same.

Anyone else have this programmer and know how to get it up and running? :cursing:
If it's not too much trouble try a 32 bit install of Windows. The 2049 only works with 32 bit. I believe the 3000 should be fine on 64 bit, but if it's easy to try 32 bit, give it a shot.
I have one, and when used on Windows 7, sometimes it burns EPROMs wrong (they fail the check) and some times it reports the EPROM as not blank (when in fact it is). The only way I have found to use this reliably is using an old laptop with Windows XP SP3. Works perfect every time (so far).
dammit. why is it so difficult to make a cheap programmer that just works?

you'd figure these EPROMs are ancient technology by today's standards, we should have this shit figured out by now.

I have an old desktop that someone gave me after I helped them upgrade, I think it might be an XP machine, maybe I'll set that up and see if it runs on that.
So after fighting with getting some old PC to run properly, getting nowhere and scrapping that I managed to cobble together another PC from spare parts, and installed XP 32-bit

yeah, same exact results as all of my 64-bit windows 7 machines.

Installed and re-installed the drivers every which way I can think of and Windows refuses to associate the drivers to the device. it's stuck as "unknown device" and topall.exe can't communicate with it.
if you're talking about the "07/01/2017 Topall v8.36 - Top 2011, 2013, 3000, 3100 programmer; English" then those are the exact drivers I've been trying to use.

I also found v8.34, v7.5 and v6.51 and none of those make any difference either.
Have you tried right clicking in device manager and manually selecting the drivers for it? It might give an unauthorized driver warning, but install anyway. I had to do that with my TopMax II programmer, it's worth a shot.
Have you tried right clicking in device manager and manually selecting the drivers for it? It might give an unauthorized driver warning, but install anyway.
the first time I attempt to install drivers on a win 7 machine it gives the warning and I allow it, it never pops up again after that.
I've tried manually selecting the driver from device manage and Windows simply says it's not the right driver for the device.

Might be a power or bad USB cable thing too.
I've tried 3 different cables :-/
I've gotten it to work on Windows 7 x64 and 10 x64 successfully. You have to boot windows into the safe mode that allows unsigned drivers, then install the driver.

You can reboot back out to regular windows and it will still work fine after it's installed properly.
I've gotten it to work on Windows 7 x64 and 10 x64 successfully. You have to boot windows into the safe mode that allows unsigned drivers, then install the driver.

You can reboot back out to regular windows and it will still work fine after it's installed properly.
Interesting... I'll give that a try.

I was trying to flash a G-NET bios since my chips just came in for that. I caved and pulled out the GQ-4X and it flashed them no problem... the irony is that I bought the Top3000 because I was hoping for less drama than the GQ :cursing:
Overall the Top3000 seems to be the better device, but it's not without its quirks.
Is anyone here using this programmer under Windows 10?
Is anyone here using this programmer under Windows 10?
I've gotten it to work on Windows 7 x64 and 10 x64 successfully. You have to boot windows into the safe mode that allows unsigned drivers, then install the driver.

You can reboot back out to regular windows and it will still work fine after it's installed properly.
Read. The. Thread.
I got mine to work in Win 10 64bit, seems like a recent update as well and the included setup PDF is pretty good for windows 10. The short story is that you need to restart using advanced restart settings (one way to get here is hold SHIFT while clicking on the restart option), and in the subsequent reboot select item #7 - disable driver signature enforcement.

Then when you run the setup EXE file it'll bump a driver warning, that you have to acknowledge. At that point, it seems to be fine. Since the link above didn't work for me today, I threw a version on MEGA: https://mega.nz/#!gpwgyYAC!gvcCz_-pNlZxBCFziEGXFU3T64vTpQ7vn5mDHwMwLgY
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The short story is that you need to restart using advanced restart settings (one way to get here is hold SHIFT while clicking on the restart option), and in the subsequent reboot select item #7 - disable driver signature enforcement.
I just wanted to report that this worked for me. I still had to do some futzing with uninstalling and reinstalling before it worked.

I had to do some ROM reading today so I decided to reboot into "disable driver signature enforcement" mode and try getting the top3000 working again. and got it working shortly there after.
Glad it's working! Ever since I installed those unsigned drivers, my computer has been running really hot and these crazy alert windows pop up in Chinese. I think it's mining bitcoin and running a Tor node. Lemme know if yours does that too.
Ever since I installed those unsigned drivers, my computer has been running really hot and these crazy alert windows pop up in Chinese. I think it's mining bitcoin and running a Tor node. Lemme know if yours does that too.