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Aug 15, 2022
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United Kingdom
Hey! I've been interested in (I say interested, it's more like a crazed obsession) the rhythm game Taiko no Tatsujin since about 2018, which in 2022 led me here. Arcade taiko is too good to resist.
Recently, I got a Namco System 256 (Taiko 9+12) and System 10 (Taiko 5), so I thought it was about time I stopped lurking and posted something here!
I'm building a Taiko cabinet from scratch - I may have jumped in the deep end for my first project, but I'm enjoying it. :D
Also an avid buyer of anything Taiko related. It has been sucking my wallet dry for the past 5 years. I have no regrets. (So if anyone here has a Taiko 1 through 14 title panel they're willing to sell, I'll gladly take it from your hands!)

From Me :thumbsup:
Welcome! There is plenty of friendly, knowledgeable and helpful people on here from the UK and beyond so you're definitely in the right place! :thumbup:

I'll look forward to seeing what you're up to with your scratch build ^^

Would love to see photos of your progress.
Welcome , since namco bandai has partnership love some gundam tracks in Taiko