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Just bridge the 3 poins with a screwdriver or a piece of bare wire.
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Since it's been raining a lot here lately, I thought it'd be a good time to grab a soldering iron and finally replace the batteries on all my B boards with InfiniKeys.

The installs on both SSF2X and AvP went fine, but my Japanese Mars Matrix (rev 7) is giving me a spot of trouble. Before cracking open the shell, I powered up the game on battery and played it for a while, and everything seemed to work great. I then de-desoldered the battery and proceeded to install the InfiniKey. However, after I'd put everything back together, the game booted into a solid white screen. I double- and triple-checked the installation, and everything seemed to be in order, including the game selection jumpers. (The rev 7 install should also be simplest of the bunch, too! )

I then removed the InfiniKey, let the board sit for a while, and booted up Razoola's suicide tester ROM, which reports that the board has fully suicided (see attached photo).

I also tried putting the battery back on, but this seemed to have no effect. The crazy thing is that at some point in my troubleshooting, I got the game to run for a good while without a battery or an InfiniKey installed. I assume this means at some point the encryption keys had successfully been loaded onto the board, and there were some caps still holding charge and keeping the keys in memory.

One of @xodaraP's earlier posts in the thread mentioned that a solid white screen would indicate a problem with reading the ROMs. So far it's the best lead I have, but the exact source of the problem still seems to elude me. Are there any further troubleshooting measures I should try? I've been troubleshooting the board with just the bottom half of the shell on, in case that matters (assuming this is a contact problem of some sort).


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The crazy thing is that at some point in my troubleshooting, I got the game to run for a good while without a battery or an InfiniKey installed. I assume this means at some point the encryption keys had successfully been loaded onto the board, and there were some caps still holding charge and keeping the keys in memory.
It's not crazy at all. The EXC5 cap is there exactly for that function. The cap holds enough charge to keep the keys in the memory while the battery is being replaced.

The problem could be that the keys were only partially in the memory. Shorting the cap will wipe out the keys. Then try installing the Infinikey again.

EDIT: also, reseat your program roms. The ones with stickers on them.
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The crazy thing is that at some point in my troubleshooting, I got the game to run for a good while without a battery or an InfiniKey installed. I assume this means at some point the encryption keys had successfully been loaded onto the board, and there were some caps still holding charge and keeping the keys in memory.
It's not crazy at all. The EXC5 cap is there exactly for that function. The cap holds enough charge to keep the keys in the memory while the battery is being replaced.

The problem could be that the keys were only partially in the memory. Shorting the cap will wipe out the keys. Then try installing the Infinikey again.

EDIT: also, reseat your program roms. The ones with stickers on them.
I did some further experimentation, and it now seems that neither the EXC5 cap, badly seated ROMs or a bum installation had anything to do with the problem. Read on for details.

Following your advice, I tried shorting EXC5 several times, but it seemed to have no effect on anything and the game kept on running without a battery installed. Weird. I even let it sit without a battery overnight just to be sure (it was sunny out for a change, so I went for a bike ride), and it kept chugging along without a hitch. "Must be one big cap", I thought.

I then tried to narrow down the problem some more. If I attached the Infinikey after shorting EXC1 (per the suicide tester README), I was greeted by a white screen, and the problem persisted even if I then detached the IK. If I shorted EXC1 with the IK detached, the game booted up OK. However, the game refused to start after shorting EXC1 if the IK was attached. This lead me to believe that the board is running on a decrypted ROM set (i.e. it runs without a battery, but won't boot with the IK). I'll have to dig out my programmer and dump the ROMs to be sure, but I'm guessing the they're from a decrypted set. (Unlike the Phoenix sets, Avalaunch sets are identical to the encrypted originals save for the encryption, so there'd be no visible or audible differences, right?)

I bought the board off a eBay seller a year back, who described the board as being "100% original" and said the battery had been recently replaced. I guess they were also duped or had the battery installed as a ruse. Now that I've had a closer look at the board, the 04 and 05 ROMs also look a little suspect (see photo); like the labels had been peeled off and then reattached with Scotch tape (possibly after reprogramming). Serves me right for not buying from a reputable AP forum member. Being a rev 7 with a PAL G the board would be a good candidate for installing the DS multi on, so it's not a total loss, I suppose.

Sorry for the tirade, I hope you had half as much fun reading it as I had getting to the bottom of the problem!


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I recently bought a nice US version of 19XX. When it arrived at my house the game gave me a green screen. I opened it up and saw that that the battery had been replaced with a holder and battery that had popped out in shipping. I installed my infinikey and it resurrected it! So happy to have such a great product!
I'll have to dig out my programmer and dump the ROMs to be sure, but I'm guessing the they're from a decrypted set. (Unlike the Phoenix sets, Avalaunch sets are identical to the encrypted originals save for the encryption, so there'd be no visible or audible differences, right?)
If you suspect it's running on a decrypted ROM set, set game jumpers on the InfiniKey to all 0's. This writes 0xFF to every key byte, which is what a dead game has when using decrypted ROMs. If the game runs fine with that setting, that confirms your suspicion.
Those labels look a bit weird, that line on the side of them isn't quite right. They may be very good repros or stuck back down as you said. If they're not foil backed they're definitely not original

At least the board has the original mask ROMs in place and apart from decrypted ROMs which require no hardware modification, it is original.
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If you suspect it's running on a decrypted ROM set, set game jumpers on the InfiniKey to all 0's. This writes 0xFF to every key byte, which is what a dead game has when using decrypted ROMs. If the game runs fine with that setting, that confirms your suspicion.-ud
Well, what do you know? With a zeroed-out InfiniKey the game runs fine. Mystery solved!

booted my vampire savior and it has a white screen. Is that a suicide screen? The battery is over 6 years old. tried on a different motherboard too.

@undamned you still selling these infinikeys through you? I only need 6.
booted my vampire savior and it has a white screen. Is that a suicide screen? The battery is over 6 years old. tried on a different motherboard too.

@undamned you still selling these infinikeys through you? I only need 6.
Sounds like it.

I can sell direct 10+, otherwise you can order from any of the distros in the OP. It's actually cheaper to buy 10 from me than 6 from a distro. Shoot me a PM, if interested.
White screen usually means not able to read program code. It could be suicide but may also be an issue with one of your program ROMs or the boards aren't seated properly

You should InfiniKey it anyway :)
I opened it up and the battery voltage is 0. In any case I ordered 10 infinikeys since I have others I need to do.
Def a dead battery if you got v0 read off it, just funny to me because like @xodaraP said above... Suicide is normally a solid colored screen, not white.
At any rate I've never used the CPS2 InfiniKey, but that Kabuki one is A-Amazing with a capital A (highly recommended, install them on ALL THE THINGS)!
Thanks to all, I fíx the problem, the steps I did:
- Short exc5
- Short exc1
- the fan was dead, i change it
- the power was at 5,07 volts I set to 5 volts

And thats it, the second board is up and running, I hope I help someone
the power was at 5,07 volts I set to 5 volts
I keep my supergun at 5.08v, CPS2 is fine with less but some other PCBs need a little extra.Values below 5.10v should be perfectly safe/well within tolerance.
In my experience with voltage. On three of three pcb cps2, the video started to present issues(waves).

When I set the voltage to 5v, all the issues disappered.
Alright guys thought my board needed more repairs. Was soldering in the infinikey and when I plugged it into the A-board all I got was a blinking white screen (it was a pure white screen before). Top/bottom parts kinda looking like it is out of sync.

I thought maybe program roms are dead since white screens can mean that from reading up. Turns out I forgot to close the jumper "open for 93646B-5".

So yeah white screen can mean suicide. Tested the battery and it was dead out of circuit and in. Was installed in August of 2013 from someone else.

I noticed undamned used a knife edge tip, next time I am going to use it. Kinda awkward with a chisel tip even if I turn it sideways.

Edit: added picture of it soldered. I can see on jumper 7 I could put more solder. I blame the shit lighting I have since I did this literally at night. I need to get a magnifier sometime.



thanks @undamned
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