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Sep 17, 2016
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Hi guys,

I recently bought an ID8 arcade cab that worked fine for around a month, but one day the force feedback on the wheel suddenly stopped working.
It didn't happen during game though, it worked fine until I turned off the cabI and the next day it wouldn't work anymore.
During the boot up sequence I get no errors during wheel/pedals check, the wheel simply doesn't move anymore like it used to during the boot up.
I also checked the test menu and again I get no errors during force feedback check.
I also mention that the wheel itself does still work, but with no force feedback it's almost impossible to play the game.

I haven't tried to open the cab yet, cause I honestly don't know what to do and where to check, so I don't want to risk breaking something else

Any help or suggestion would be gladly welcome!

Thanks guys!
Do you have the manual?
Dont be afraid to open the cab and look around : That’s how you’ll learn! You’ll find the ringedge board (a pc!) and probably a force feedback board, an I/O board, a sound amp and a powersupply. Take and Post pictures so that we might help.

Could be just a fuse on the FFB board! Or an unconnected connector… or something else but we’ll help you fix it!
Unfortunately I don’t have a manual, and I couldn’t manage to find it online :(
I know you are right about the try&learn approach, but since I’m a total newbie I was hoping maybe someone else with an ID8 cab could help me with some specific directions to follow :)
Hi guys!
After a long busy period, I finally had the chance to look more into this issue and, as Mrhide suggested, I think I isolated the problem in this communication board (not a pic of my actual one).
Everything else (FFB board for example) seems to work fine and receive correct input.
Do you have any clue on where I can find spares? As far as I understand, every ID cab from 4 to 8 share the same components.

Thanks for help!
That’s 102 below, the RS232/RS244 converter

Why do you think it’s the issue? Are the wires broken?
Good question 😊 I am not 100% sure tbh, but given the fact that:
- I do not get any error during boot up
- other boards seem to be working fine based on their illumination led dots
- there are no visible issues in the FFB motor/wheel

I suppose that little board could cause the issue.

Any suggestion or ideas?

I’ll also add pics of my actual setup (dirty as hell, I know 😅)
Mmm, I think I could do it, I have a multimeter, but would you be so kind to explain the exact procedure? 🙄
Thank you so much!
Do you have a twin pair of cabs? Because if you do it can be super helpful to swap parts from one side to the other to rule out something.
Like move the IO board from one cab to the other stuff like that.

Dont be afraid to experiment when you have options like that.

I should have the manual if you need a copy.
Do you have a twin pair of cabs? Because if you do it can be super helpful to swap parts from one side to the other to rule out something.
Like move the IO board from one cab to the other stuff like that.

Dont be afraid to experiment when you have options like that.

I should have the manual if you need a copy.
Unfortunately I don’t have a pair 😢
I managed to find an ID4 manual on the web, and it seems that most of the components are the same.
Do you have a proper ID8 manual?? It would be great if you could share!
turn the machine off.

remove the fuses.

check this out
View: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=1iHRESNMFAg
Hi guys!
I finally found the time to do some tests on the cab, unfortunately with no good results 😩
I checked both the fuses on the FFB mobo and both are ok.
I don’t have any clue on what to check next, since everything seems ok at a glance.
Any suggestion on what to do now?

Thanks for your support!
Hi guys,

Still need help on this

I managed to buy some spare parts (motor board and I/O) from Yaton, but for now I only received the motor board and swapping it did not solve the problem.

BTW do you have hints on how to contact Yaton? I’ve been sending him emails but he seems to ignore me. I don’t think he’s a scammer, since I saw he’s pretty much known around here, but I need him to send one item I paid for…
I think I isolated the problem in this communication board (not a pic of my actual one).

...do you have a picture of yours? the wires /connector to it are a big fragile so I would take a closer look it I was you. Put your multimeter in continuity mode and make sure all wires are beeping/making continuity.
Sure! Here are a couple of pics of mine.
Sorry for the dumb question again, but how am I supposed to test continuity mode on this? What exactly am I supposed to connect with my multimeter pins?

Also, maybe it would worth mention that, looking at a booting sequence video I found on YT, the only notable difference I get on my setup from a working one is the red led indicator on the FF motor board. On the YT video, the led is initially flashing but then switches to continuous red (no flash).
Instead, on my setup, the FF motor board led never stops flashing.
This happens both on my original board and the "new" one I bought from Yaton.
That's why I would assume the issue could be on the converter board.
Any clues?

Thank you much for your help!!


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