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hey there! just seeing this. Can you add me to the list, I have a shell I can send if necessary.
am i on list you didnt respond to me?
You're on the doc. However, you will need to pay in full up front when I take deposits. Burned too many times to expect a commitment now and payment later to work out without a series of reasons and a big goose chase. I've heard the same issues from others as well, and I simply am not interested in the additional stress.

hey there! just seeing this. Can you add me to the list, I have a shell I can send if necessary.
Huh, I really thought you were already on the list. Well, you are now. Shell isn't necessary. If you've got a whole v3 161-in-1 we can use that, but these guys come with shells, so no big deal there!

Between my original overblown order of dual daughterboards, and my re-ordering the single ones already pre-pinned I have everything on hand except the carts for the waitlist folks. I think I will order those next week.

Between end of Dec/start of Jan shipping times and the fact that I /still/ don't have some of the AES carts in hand (though they are in the US), ordering now we'll be lucky to see them start of Feb. So expect deposit requests to start going out over the weekend for waitlist folks in hopes of getting ahead of the game.

New C/V rom dumper board design should be complete tomorrow so I'm told. I'll order those tomorrow and hopefully have them in hand Thurs/Fri next week along with the pre-pinned daughterboards. I've got a STACK of flashroms just waiting for them to show up, and am still mucking around with flashing C3's on and off.

I've got 11/15 AES carts in hand and I'll get those stripped of parts and programmed over the weekend. I wanted to do them all at once, but who knows how long it'll take to get the others in, and I'm largely at a standstill anyway.
You're on the doc. However, you will need to pay in full up front when I take deposits. Burned too many times to expect a commitment now and payment later to work out without a series of reasons and a big goose chase. I've heard the same issues from others as well, and I simply am not interested in the additional stress.
thats fine and i understand no issues. i was just really just trying to get your attention is all
Sorry, but I have not had the best of circumstances to be able to reaffirm what I have said weeks ago. I'm signing up for the waiting list for the complete pack (I don't have the original multi cartridge) for a NeoGeoAES with Unibios 4.

Thank you all very much, tremendous work!
Sorry, but I have not had the best of circumstances to be able to reaffirm what I have said weeks ago. I'm signing up for the waiting list for the complete pack (I don't have the original multi cartridge) for a NeoGeoAES with Unibios 4.

Thank you all very much, tremendous work!
Understood. I'll get you on the list.

This very very dopey looking PCB should solve a lot of problems.

- No need to fuss with removing the programmer between every chip and risking bending the cheap pins on it.

- Got the sockets the correct distance apart.

- Put a pair of larger sockets on each side of the daughterboard sockets to have something to grab onto and not flex the board so much when removing them (may not be an issue now that the sockets are straight).

Ordered and should be in sooner than the daughterboards I'd ordered for assembly.

I looked it over in kicad and they should be good to go, but I'll wait until I've tested in person before throwing them up on github.

Got all the AES carts on hand up to speed this evening. Waiting still for 5 of those in the mail.

So 70/75 carts are prepped. All the flashroms will be programmed by the end of tomorrow for the AES carts, and then it's just waiting on the mail for the last 5 carts and the new programmers to tidy everything up.
Been following this and the initial thread with a great amount of interest - I would love to be put on the waitlist to fill a spot or for a future batch. Thank you!
Finally caught up on PM's. If anything looks out of line on the spreadsheet, let me know!
Havent been here in a couple days but I went through the last few pages. Damn son, that's a lot of two steps forward one step back situations for you, I hate that - but thanks for the constant updates about the process. Its definitely given me a greater appreciation for you even doing this at all.
As usual, transparency and honesty is the difference. People who disappear for three months at a time with no updates and then act indignant when people ask perfectly understandable questions versus a situation like this where rewrite talks through the process, describes issues in detail (even seeks out help where possible) and generally keeps people in the loop.

Obviously, things like this get more complicated as projects scale up in size and complexity but a lot of small companies could stand to learn lessons from community projects like this.

Appreciate all of your passion and humility throughout the process, rewrite. Many of us wouldn't have the patience to follow through.
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People who disappear for three months at a time with no updates and then act indignant when people ask perfectly understandable questions
This is a personal pet peeve of mine. Especially the stuff you see over on KLOV where someone will have your monitor in for repair or your artwork order for 9 months without a bother to reply to an email. I've struggled a bit here and there keeping up on PM's, but the status of everything has been very public. I just updated the sheet a few minutes ago.

The new programmers are in final inspection, so should ship today or tomorrow. Looks like 2-3 days more on the single daughterboards.

About half of the dual daughterboards have had C1 programmed now, and all of the s/m/p roms for the AES carts on hand are programmed. The 4 remaining AES carts should be in Friday if Informed Delivery is to be believed.

I will be making deposits non-refundable moving forward (all deposits placed after 12/21/23). Still just the cost of materials, but there won't be a refund if you back out. I was not aware so many people will commit to something, and then expect me to just be fine with their deciding against the purchase and going "Well you can just sell the cart to the next guy in line". It's hard figure out what is "right" at this point for those individuals since 2/3 of the work has already been done on their behalf and something I'm struggling to figure out today, but there will be a very clear up-front plan for every order moving forward: no refunds on deposits.

If that doesn't work, it will move to payment in full, and something like a 90 day promised turn-around.
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Dude, no refund on deposits PERIOD. Who TF would pay you to order parts, then back out and not pay for the remainder of the work, LET ALONE ask for a refund on the stuff you already paid for.

Fuck that noise. Sometimes, I think I'm an asshole and everyone else is too, but other times I realize, I'm an asshole and some people aren't. It's A-HOLE time IMO dude, turn it on!