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Interest Check: Pre-made upgraded 161-in-1 multicarts - All spots filled - 2025 UPDATE

Anyone printing Vortex labels for AES or MVS?
I made some I can share if you're interested.


Here's what I made/edited.





The image used is from this shockbox insert by AKU: https://southtown-homebrew.com/product_info.php?cPath=1_212&products_id=1160

I'm still working on this (too large to upload): https://imgur.com/a/xWaWVvQ

It is based on this shockbox insert by Joneo: https://southtown-homebrew.com/product_info.php?cPath=1_212&products_id=1157
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I'd be interested in finding a shock box insert that would work for these carts. My sis in law does graphic editing and she might help me out with a design.
I tried the Pick'n'MIX patch and unfortunately it seems that the games.csv list used in the patch available does not match up to the games list in Rewrite's cart. It will work, but the game you select will not match up to the game the BIOS picks for you.

Would anybody be up to the task of fixing the CSV list to match the games list for Rewrite's Vortex cart, and recompile the patch?

Having Pick'n'Mix work for this cart is the ultimate "killer app" in my opinion. This feature literally makes this cart the "one cartridge to rule them all" multi cart for MVS arcade use.
I had this guy make me a label. The holographic pattern isn't "correct" but its just for fun. Pretty happy with it. He will make you whatever you want but the plain white is very white and will stand out against old carts.

Very nice! That eBay listing has a minimum quantity of 3. Were you able to order 3 different labels, or did they have to be 3 of the same? I can think of a few different MVS carts on hand that I want to have new labels for.
Would anybody be up to the task of fixing the CSV list to match the games list for Rewrite's Vortex cart, and recompile the patch?
Shoot the CSV list to me? The rom list I believe is in the first post (I think). Should only take a few minutes to do.

I wanted to share that the patch works great for the carts that @rewrite did. This sure beats power cycling to select a new game. I highly recommend it for anyone who owns the Vortex multi.
Another thing on my to-do list is install that, ha.

I had this guy make me a label. The holographic pattern isn't "correct" but its just for fun. Pretty happy with it. He will make you whatever you want but the plain white is very white and will stand out against old carts.
How cool! I'm definitely going to order one of these. I wonder who will do AES ones.

I am almost fully caught up again. Worked on the 6 paid for in parallel and now I'm just working through testing them for a while and touching up as needed. Should have them all out by weekend I'd imagine, and then we're back to another batch of payments and start all over!
As for waitlist folks: I have secured another 45ish carts' worth of MVS donors (old stock). The price is a bit higher now than before. If people want in, I'm happy to continue offering them. Donors are now $95 shipped to me a piece, which is about a $40 increase. Keeping the same $240ish labor and parts cost puts us at 335 as opposed to 290.

I absolutely need a consensus on this before dropping 4.5k on donor carts though. If a bunch of waitlisters say they're in, I'll order them and start taking deposits.

No news on AES donors, can't seem to find them.
Shoot the CSV list to me? The rom list I believe is in the first post (I think). Should only take a few minutes to do.

Another thing on my to-do list is install that, ha.

How cool! I'm definitely going to order one of these. I wonder who will do AES ones.

I am almost fully caught up again. Worked on the 6 paid for in parallel and now I'm just working through testing them for a while and touching up as needed. Should have them all out by weekend I'd imagine, and then we're back to another batch of payments and start all over!
I looked at the code for picknmix.

It's not as simple as updating a csv.

At least it did not seem so to me.

I don't think it's too much work to get it working for your cart though.
As for waitlist folks: I have secured another 45ish carts' worth of MVS donors (old stock). The price is a bit higher now than before. If people want in, I'm happy to continue offering them. Donors are now $95 shipped to me a piece, which is about a $40 increase. Keeping the same $240ish labor and parts cost puts us at 335 as opposed to 290.

I absolutely need a consensus on this before dropping 4.5k on donor carts though. If a bunch of waitlisters say they're in, I'll order them and start taking deposits.

No news on AES donors, can't seem to find them.
Hi re-write ..
Confirming I’m in ..
I have some multi in 1,s
Which is it you want for donor man let me know happy to send
Very nice! That eBay listing has a minimum quantity of 3. Were you able to order 3 different labels, or did they have to be 3 of the same? I can think of a few different MVS carts on hand that I want to have new labels for.
He will do 3 different and Japanese labels too. The plain white is pretty white. I don’t have anything even close to as bright. Would probably be ok on a new shell. The holographic one is more muted somehow.
Yes please, I'm still in.
I also own Xeno Crisis, so please add this for me.
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Sure, I'm still in. Please add Xenocrisis for me on the sheet - I bought the rom and neo geo cd from the developer. Thanks.