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Hmm. I didn't know about that thread. Definitely not good...
I'd had one or two people mention something about pcbs they bought months ago but they knew him personally and didn't seem too concerned.

Seeing that thread now I'm surprised I have not received a single PM from ANYONE asking for help. There are other members that have been behind lately and people contacted us and we got involved to get things straightened out (at least for those we knew about. I had no idea Derick2k owed people so much...

We are going to have to see what we can do.

Regarding the dual crystal Derick had designed it and the merge pcb and was just fine-tuning the design to work in all the cases. He was going to turn over the design to me to manufacture and sell and didn't want any money for it.

I guess if we need to we can design a different version ourselves.
I'm interested in both the multi crystal and the audio board, when this comes to fruition.
primarly interested in the dual crystal, but audio is a nice bonus.