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Jasen’s Customs: CPS1 Multi Case Thread

I am actively working with @Mitsurugi-w for a dipswitch board that works with the case so its mounted inside and clean. Bunch of pics on the discord. His filterboard version is in his thread. The first idea with it being externally mounted was bad.... so bad. Best forget I said that one... I'm embarrassed by it.
Any chance there are some large dip switches for old people with bad eyes and fat fingers?

Like these, but BIGGER.

I am actively working with @Mitsurugi-w for a dipswitch board that works with the case so its mounted inside and clean.
Yea but some of us already got the external remote DIPs soldered/installed.
I knew when I purchased the PCB it was huge/ugly and that damn IDC header requires the PCB to sit higher...
Thing is this is what was offered so THIS is what I want you to support.

I'm not going to buy another DIPs board to accommodate a case...
Rather if you won't design a case to work with ALL the released parts (not easy or always pretty I understand) I'll forgo your case and recommend others do the same.

This entire project was a fucking mess, poorly designed and thought-out.
  • Why hasn't the filter board got DIPs natively on it? They knew the filterboard would block the A-board.
  • Why hasn't the filter board got CPS2 style kick harness? They knew this was the most popular options for kicks.
  • Why is the multi no larger than the A-board, but offset so no currently existing CPS1 cases would work? A few traces could have been shifted downwards solving this entire problem.
Pencils come with erasers, life doesn't.
Sure I wish things could have been different too, they can't/too late! Now support all this sloppy trash. *eyeroll*
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Well I strongly disagree with our multi not being well thought-out. In fact I CHALLENGE you to try a project this size yourself and accommodate every want the customers ask for. Especially late in production. Only mistake I think we made was selling any original Q sound chips.

My remote Dip was never intended to be used in a case when I designed it. It is designed for cabinet mounting. If I had cases in mind I definitely would have placed the connector on the underside instead. If anything I thought people with cases would appreciate the filter dips. So far I've only had compliments from people who bought that version.

Yesterday Jasen had more or less decided to only support the filter dips. I have no regret offering to help design a version that will fit seamlessly in the case and make the MAJORITY of people happy. The case version uses through hole parts and larger dipswitches to appease some people not happy with my 3 foot dips. If you already bought the 3 foot dips the case version uses the same bottom pcb and cable. If you prefer the filter dips the case supports that as well.

I learned long ago in this hobby you can't make everyone happy because some people are never satisfied and you can't forsee every obstacle or issue. If every creation was perfect from the beginning we'd still be using wooden wheels.
Well it’s a good thing I’ve been busy and haven’t had a chance to install the Remote Dip PCB with 3 Foot Flat Cable.

Though I was originally thinking I’d mount it under the CP. But we’ll see how this or other cases turns out.

This entire project was a fucking mess, poorly designed and thought-out.
I absolutely disagree with this bad take.
Personally I think having the dips on a remote is way better than having them as a permanent part of the filter board, I'd rather reach into my control panel right next to the LCD selector than down into the cab where the board is. If we're picking nits it would have been nice to have been included with the multi kit though, because yeah they are hard to get to.
To boot, I'll design a 3D printed enclosure for this dip board and let people have it free so they can mount it externally as well. I'll even release solid works files so you can remix it for fringe use cases. The fact that you let me provide some help on it and took my recommendations is awesome, more is better!
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I'll design a 3D printed enclosure for this dip board and let people have it free so they can mount it externally as well.
It won't look right with the LCD selection screen mounted internally.
Nope, only if you go external with the LCD screen would I'd be OK with this design choice.

Looks like it'll be a DIY project for me now, what a mess.
In fact I CHALLENGE you to try a project this size yourself and accommodate every want the customers ask for.
Thats problem #1, customers ask for all kinds of stupid shit.
Just look at the state of the M92 multi... All the demands to support Gun Force delayed this project indefinitely.
If you just took a stand early on and said "fuck you, Major Title 2 or NOTHING" we'd have had it YEARS AGO.

As a project lead thats what you do, make the hard choices (tell others to eat shit).
Because people don't know what they want, and if you let them dictate the process you end up with one-off everything (and can't even design a simple case because unique add-on city).

Challenge away man, thing is no one ever asks me anything and I'm often right (yea I said it because no one else will/can't be humble when others won't give you due).
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Let's please keep this thread on topic. The case design is coming along nicely and plenty of customers have provided inputs and even pointed out some things that could be tweaked. I've incorporated many of them. We can be supportive and constructive here and professionally provide real reasons that something would be better another way. Every project I work on is meant to satisfy as many of the use cases as possible with respect to time and cost. If it's not for you, that's fine. Just move on, don't being your personal feelings on everything else that's been designed to use with this kit or the kit here and derail the discussion.
If it's not for you, that's fine. Just move on
Its a sad day for me J, I really like your work overall.
I also don't envy your position, having to work with potentially supporting 3 different size/factor remote DIP boards.

I thought I could count on support because these are "Official" multi accessories.
I guess even in the world of small hobbyist projects, early adopters sometimes get the shaft.

Thanks for breaking down why you feel its the right choice not to support these official accessories.
Technically there are no official case dips yet. The 3 foot dips are meant to be mounted, well, 3 feet away. A 3 foot wide case would be rather expensive.
Just want to bring up the kick harness connector thing because that's kinda blowing my mind

It's a CPS1 multi, having the wrong kick connector would be bad design for every "I don't tech so good" guy who wants to stick it in their SFII-whatever cab (one of the most popular arcade cabs ever made).

You can easily adapt a CPS2 kick harness to CPS1 because the DF1B connector has both male and female wire to wire variants. Going the other way (converting CPS1 to CPS2) turns adapters into a mess of NH headers soldered to wires (or some expensive/awkward custom PCB) because there is no male NH connector, it's strictly wire to board.

I genuinely think you have good points sometimes @jassin000 but on this I'm just shaking my head
The 3 foot dips are meant to be mounted, well, 3 feet away.
The LCD screen is meant to be mounted remotely as well.
Funny how you see so many of them attached to cases, equally funny is Jasen's design that also mounts it to the case (you know without it being 3ft long).
Yeah but cases like Jasen's are meant more for consolization or supergun use. Not cabinet use. In fact I wouldn't buy one of these beautiful and a bit pricey cases and hide it in a cabinet. If you go to tournaments you see Jasen and Hursit's cases at almost every supergun.

The cases offer a place to mount the lcd or other accessories. It doesn't mean you HAVE to use the mounts.
Price is being worked on to get them to a more palletable price point. I think I mentioned early on I wasn't happy with the current prices and was looking at ways to bring them down. That being said, I do love seeing all the uses cases for them. When I did the first CPS2 case I didn't think people would put them in cabs, but when I see them in there I do love it!
Yeah I honestly wish there would be a "budget" case that's just a metal box I can stick in a cab built to a cost. Unfortunately it seems like most case makers have the supergun crowd foremost in mind (probably for good reason)
I didn't think people would put them in cabs, but when I see them in there I do love it!
If you own a woodie cab or dedicated cab, I totally agree NO reason to get a nice case.

BUT IF you own a nice/decked out candy, especially one that you swap PCBs in almost DAILY and somedays HOURLY...
Cases make it very easy to do so, keep the boards safer (than bare) and offer consolidation of many otherwise separate parts (like sound boards, daughter boards, and yes even remote DIP boards).

Supergunners get the focus because they absolutely NEED a case.
As mentioned cab owners that swap boards frequently also benefit greatly from cases.
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Yeah I am mostly candy and I swap boards constantly. The CPS1 multi is the first time I have ever felt like I needed a case just to keep it all together so I can feel "free-er" about swapping it if that makes sense. But that doesn't really necessitate all the bling and nice features for supergun users like mounting an LCD. Don't get me wrong that stuff is great but I would take a utilitarian unpainted metal box that was just well designed to support the multi perfectly inside.

EDIT: Just want to make it clear that I am not trying to impose this on Jasen. This is just my own rambling on what would make a good case for me. As like, a data point or something. I get that my needs are not what the majority of PCB case buyers need.
Why did you buy it?
Originally to remote mount. But having an option to mount it on a case is also good.

Options are good. right?

I don’t know why you think that’s selling out.

Selling out is closer to someone crying about not getting a Q-Sound chip and threatening to sell their multi in a hissy fit. Just sayin’.

As for a nice case to hide in a cab, I’d rather have it more protected than not. I run candy cabs and I swap games frequently. I care mainly about protecting my hardware than how it looks sitting on a shelf.
Options are good. right?
But you don't have options! You just lost the option to install that style remote DIP into the case.
I don’t know why you think that’s selling out.
Well did you waste that money then? Because you don't have the option to case mount anymore.
Its selling out because you are willing to accept that reality without a fight.

Lace up them gloves bro its action time!
As for a nice case to hide in a cab, I’d rather have it more protected than not. I run candy cabs and I swap games frequently. I care mainly about protecting my hardware than how it looks sitting on a shelf.
Couldn't have said it better myself.
So we need to stop accepting this "cases are for supergun people" mentality and CORRECT people who think/state otherwise as misinformed/clueless.
@jassin000 the whole point of remote dips is to have them remote, i.e. away from the PCB/case. I'm not sure how much support is needed there? If you're pushing for a more cab friendly case, that would mean not having the dips right on the case, but easily accessible to you.
that would mean not having the dips right on the case
Would add more complexity/time to swapping PCBs, because now I need to connect/disconnect DIP boards.
As I mentioned above, cab people like cases because it consolidates otherwise separate components into a single point of use object.

If someone wants the DIP board remote, they likely won't also want/need a case.
I use male to female IDC cables for things like that, makes it a breeze. I just leave my DIP board and LCD selector in my control panel and route the IDCs down where the PCBs go. I have female-female cables coming off whatever's applicable.

E: Also I think the value of not having to get on my knees and bust out a flashlight to change dips when I want to play a different tile is far outweighed by having to connect/disconnect a cable once when I'm already connecting JAMMA and kick
I just leave my DIP board and LCD selector in my control panel and route the IDCs down where the PCBs go
Its harder to access the internal control panel of a Vewlix vs. just opening the PCB door (I imagine thats why so many people install the button expansion panels with USB ports and headphone jacks on them).
Well did you waste that money then? Because you don't have the option to case mount anymore.
Its selling out because you are willing to accept that reality without a fight.

Lace up them gloves bro its action time!
How did I waste money? I haven’t bought the case yet, as as far as I know it’s still being designed out. I have the remote board uninstalled right now.

Also I wrote this:
But we’ll see how this or other cases turns out.
“we’ll see” , “this or other cases”.

We’ll see how things turn out before I commit to any case. The option is I could go with this case and still choose not to mount the dip remote in the case.
Does it defeat the purpose? No! I still get that case protection but have the remote attached externally.

But if jasen or hursuit or lions3 have their own variants of this case, great! Then we have choices to fit our personal needs.
I personally want my filter board secured, the boards protected, and the dips and jacks to be accessible when installed in a cab. It also can’t be bulky for me. That’s what I’m hoping for.
I kinda think the use case of putting a 15khz system in an LCD cab isn't something a ton of people are doing (could be wrong). In all the common CRT cabs the control panel is super accessible
In all the common CRT cabs the control panel is super accessible
You might even say in a Vewlix the control panel is super accessible, use one and get back to me as you might feel differently.
I said it wasn't as easy as opening the PCB door and I absolutely stand by that statement.

Door is one turn and its open, CP you turn the mech to unlock the panel, then you swing the panel forwards on a hinge towards you.
Its like two steps vs one step, some might say its a non-issue but they are lieing if they say its easier (than PCB door). ;)
Yeah never had a Vewlix (though I mean to get one, eventually). I just don't like going "down under" very much. If the CP can be opened while seated, regardless of how many things need to be messed with, I consider it a bonus over getting up off my ass