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Aug 11, 2020
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This is a long story and the project has been 3 years in the making. So I initially bought this cabinet 3 years ago. I just wanted an arcade cabinet and wasn’t well versed in restoration. I found this pained over black cabinet locally for $500.

I bought it, initially intending to just paint it black and keep it as a generic cabinet. I started to removed the side art, when someone told me it was an original mortal kombat that had been converted into a Tekken 2.

I decided to convert it then back to a mortal kombat 1 machine. I only lived at the place I keep this machine like 2 months out of the year so the process of refurbishing it was an on and off again project. I got good advice on how to restore it, but when it comes to the side art got lazy, and didn’t sand it or paint it, and as a result the side art came out looking kinda crappy. (Hard to see in photo)

The cabinet stayed like this for probably 2 years until I decided that since I have college off over this break I was gonna finally finish the cab. I removed the old stuff, finally included the block button and bought an original mortal kombat pcb. I used side art from Szabos arcade. Here are photos of the final product:


At this point I think the final result is fantastic. It’s my first cabinet, and super happy to have it. Sadly the mortal kombat pcb isn’t working perfectly, corrupted sound effects, but overall this project is now beautiful. I’ll probably attempt to get a candy cabinet so I can have a Japanese and American cab, next. Also feel free to provide any feedback. Currently the whole coin mechanism isn’t wired up at all, and I may finish that, but for now it’s done.