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Holy cow that's beautiful. Very excited to get this... then case up my 16B either with a Highflow plexi or a Hursit metal case that hopefully includes mounting points for this :)

Prototypes are here :)

Made a few mistakes which have now been rectified. I'v also modified the dip adapter board so that it installs in a vertical orientation.
Im keen for one of these of course @oneleaf86 -- great work as usual!
@oneleaf86 congrats sir for this , will be a great and useful piece for everybody who'll get a sys16b multi (i'll take 1 one for sure)
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Thanks guys :)

Hopefully the next prototype works as intended and then I'll place a large order.

The attached image is the new vertical dip adapter.


  • 3703894a30c0a6aed0dfee97563e5538.png
    5.5 KB · Views: 238
I love the SEGA logo, both in general and its presence on your PCBs.

Remember how we discussed how my PCB software doesn't allow for bitmap importing into the silkscreen layer... I fricken recreated the SEGA logo by hand with polylines! Suck that limiting PCB software! :D
This is fantastic and will be definitely keen once i get my System 16B Multi.

Chances of one for the M72 Multi?? :D
This version will work just fine with the M72 Multi but I might do a revised version with IREM branding and no bank switch.

I'm in China at the moment until the 16th but I should have new prototypes waiting for me when I get back.
This version will work just fine with the M72 Multi but I might do a revised version with IREM branding and no bank switch.

I'm in China at the moment until the 16th but I should have new prototypes waiting for me when I get back.
This is perfect as the cab I will be putting the M72 Multi into wont have easy access to the back to change dips on the PCB.

So good!
Thanks guys!

That would be like finding a needle in a haystack unfortunately . Better off getting it manufactured ourselves!