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It's possible to run a button to the gpio on the pi and use that as a reset method to send the OSM. The pi just needs to receive a signal of some kind.
Ah yes, I'm aware of that method, was just hoping for a software solution, but I guess that's not happening anytime soon.
It can't ever happen really, once the game is loaded there is no way for the Naomi to signal the pi to resend the menu. The OSM is a homebrew rom that communicates back to a python script running on the pi, the only realistic solution would be a hardware one. If someone could hack Naomi roms to include some trojan code to handle sending a signal based on button presses that's the only way it could be done in software
It can't ever happen really, once the game is loaded there is no way for the Naomi to signal the pi to resend the menu.
Right, it would need to be a Naomi BIOS hack that monitors for a button combo, then requests data be sent from the Pi if present.
Thanks for your insight @chunksin , that sounds like a feasible but possibly timeconsuming idea. Let's hope somebody will look into it someday :D
Does it still include to code to do the reset through the relay/fan mod?
In light of the above, do you have more info regarding the reset mod? Tried searching for it here, but wasn't able to find anything else but a mention aimed at you :)
Thanks for your insight @chunksin , that sounds like a feasible but possibly timeconsuming idea. Let's hope somebody will look into it someday :D

In light of the above, do you have more info regarding the reset mod? Tried searching for it here, but wasn't able to find anything else but a mention aimed at you :)
It uses one of the GPIO pins on the pi to trigger a relay that's connected to the fan tach wire. Thus making the Naomis reset/reboot, it was done to make the Naomis reset when changing games since some seem to lock up the system. But it involves running an extra wire to your pi. I do this through the micro USB on the pi.
It uses one of the GPIO pins on the pi to trigger a relay that's connected to the fan tach wire. Thus making the Naomis reset/reboot, it was done to make the Naomis reset when changing games since some seem to lock up the system. But it involves running an extra wire to your pi. I do this through the micro USB on the pi.
Thanks, you wouldn't happen to have a schematic, do you? :)
Stupid question, but has the google drive link been updated as it seems to be version 6.1.4 on there and I see reference to 6.1.8 here?

I downloaded and flashed it but don't seem to have the new features like OSM, update system etc?
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6.1 is the base system, then you need to get your pi connected to the internet (pg 11 of the manual).

Once you do this, you can go into one of the menu and update wipi (page 12)
@mR_CaESaR Thanks, overlooked that part as i usually use hotspot mode!

Edit 1:
Unfortunately I still cant see the additional options, no update menu or OSD etc, i'll pull the image from the drive link again and re-flash just in case.
It is on my home wifi network now though, so maybe i'll have a tinker with apt over ssh.

Edit 2:
All working now!
re-flashed the SD after downloading all the files again, now have all the menus and its currently running the update :)

Thanks :D
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I've been working on the card printing interface again, switching the method of icon printing from embedding into a font to actually printing the icons straight from the code. Results are good, sharper prints and switched fonts to add Japanese support. I've also made a little proof of concept for overlaying the Japanese card text too, unfortunately I only have scans of the English language cards. Works pretty well though, the code reads the card save file and the game serial is included so it can distinguish which icons and text to include on the card. You just need to insert the correct card for the correct version of the game!

So far ID1-3 are done, F-Zero to follow shortly. MKGP/2 and WMMT/2 are already using this method.


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Can someone point me to instructions on what to do with the V6.1 AIO link? I downloaded all the files there, but I don't know what to do with them to flash them. I was expecting a single image file like for v5.
Can someone point me to instructions on what to do with the V6.1 AIO link? I downloaded all the files there, but I don't know what to do with them to flash them. I was expecting a single image file like for v5.
It is an image, just extract the archives with something like 7zip.
It is an image, just extract the archives with something like 7zip.
hmm I extracted all 16 files and glances over them. I tried the largest one I saw. Imager complained about the format of it when I tried to flash it to my sd card.

Do I need all 16 of the files or is it just one of them? If its just one, could you point me to the right now?

You need all 14 part files, the other ones are just in case the files didn't download cleanly. Extract the img file from WiPi6-1-4.part01.rar, then write that to a micro SD card using Win32DiskImager or Balena Etcher
You need all 14 part files, the other ones are just in case the files didn't download cleanly. Extract the img file from WiPi6-1-4.part01.rar, then write that to a micro SD card using Win32DiskImager or Balena Etcher
aahhhhh I finally got it to work! the files were getting -### appended to the ends of them so when I tried to extract them, it couldn't find the next one. thanks for the help! I probably wouldn't have noticed if you didn't direct me to the first file.
I saw that doom was added, but when I download the v6.1 AIO Download, I didn't see it in the list of included games once I wrote the img to a card. Wanted to make sure I'm actually downloading the latest version
As long as there is power and the ethernet cable connected, it's not need on the Naomi1/2. I reuse all my old keys for the chihiro
I was using an old setup with LCD touchscreen, Pi3b and Naomi2 that was working flawlessly and very stable, but cumbersome to use. I am trying Wipi Netbooted 6.1.8 atm, and without a Zero Key Pic, and with the Time Hack enabled in the menu, I am getting the Naomi resetting at random time and the error 33 Getaway not found that is supposed to be due to the Timehack not being enabled. switching back to the SD card of my old setup and everything works fine. IU wonder if there is some issue with the Time hack or the setting not being picked up?