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Oct 9, 2016
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Victoria, Australia
Hi Everyone,

I am currently in the process of setting up a Naomi 2 with netdimm and trying to get the netbooting working. My inexperience may be playing some part in the process failing and just after some assistance.

Netdimm version: 4.02 - both 8 & 6 pin connectors from an external power supply (Meanwell QP-200-3A - 5v/15A, 3.3v/15a, 12v/6a) and the Capcom I/O for jamma conversion.

I have successfully booted with piforcetools, however the machine reboots shortly after loading with ERROR 33 - I have tried burning a zero pic but this doesn't appear to be working (likely my fault as its the first thing I've tried to burn).

I've successfully used transfergame.exe to load game to netdimm - this reboots to ERROR 31, then shortly after reboots to ERROR 33 - no security/zero pic again I assume.

In the meantime I'm trying to use the python script naomi_boot, till I can figure out the rpi/zero pic issue.

The process appears to start the transfer process but then fails with the below output:

C:\naomiweb>naomi_boot.py PowerStone2.bin
Traceback (most recent call last):
File "C:\naomiweb\naomi_boot.py", line 221, in <module>
File "C:\naomiweb\naomi_boot.py", line 132, in DIMM_UploadFile
DIMM_Upload(addr, data, 0)
File "C:\naomiweb\naomi_boot.py", line 68, in DIMM_Upload
s.send(struct.pack("<IIIH", 0x04800000 | (len(data) + 0xA) | (mark << 16), 0, addr, 0) + data)
socket.timeout: timed out

The Naomi just shows a blinking "Now Loading" message and doesn't get any further.

Thanks in advance,

I believe the script you are using is not resetting the naomi which is needed after the game fully loads. Let's try it, let it load for a while, and then hit the service button, exit service, and the game should now work. If it does, we'll work on the script to add the reset command.
Thanks vholfx.

Unfortunately no luck at this point.

I left on the Now Loading screen for 5 mins - press the service button and get no changes onscreen.

Press on the test button and I am able to get to the test menu. I can see the name of the game that was attempted to be loaded at the bottom of the menu - attempt to load the games test menu, this causes the unit to freeze and has to be power cycled.

Tried loading again, with no success - found I can still ping the netdimm successfully, after the error message comes onscreen.
Did you run a ram and netdim test on the Naomi? We should discard a hardware problem at this point.
Yes, everything has come back fine - no errors reported/found
Can you try with this script instead and use it from the command line?

Let me know if you need help running it but it would be just:

> python triforcetools.py path/to/game/NameOfTheGame.bin


  • triforcetools.zip
    2.8 KB · Views: 63
Hi Everyone,

I am currently in the process of setting up a Naomi 2 with netdimm and trying to get the netbooting working. My inexperience may be playing some part in the process failing and just after some assistance.

Netdimm version: 4.02 - both 8 & 6 pin connectors from an external power supply (Meanwell QP-200-3A - 5v/15A, 3.3v/15a, 12v/6a) and the Capcom I/O for jamma conversion.

I have successfully booted with piforcetools, however the machine reboots shortly after loading with ERROR 33 - I have tried burning a zero pic but this doesn't appear to be working (likely my fault as its the first thing I've tried to burn).

I've successfully used transfergame.exe to load game to netdimm - this reboots to ERROR 31, then shortly after reboots to ERROR 33 - no security/zero pic again I assume.

In the meantime I'm trying to use the python script naomi_boot, till I can figure out the rpi/zero pic issue.

The process appears to start the transfer process but then fails with the below output:

C:\naomiweb>naomi_boot.py PowerStone2.bin
Traceback (most recent call last):
File "C:\naomiweb\naomi_boot.py", line 221, in <module>
File "C:\naomiweb\naomi_boot.py", line 132, in DIMM_UploadFile
DIMM_Upload(addr, data, 0)
File "C:\naomiweb\naomi_boot.py", line 68, in DIMM_Upload
s.send(struct.pack("<IIIH", 0x04800000 | (len(data) + 0xA) | (mark << 16), 0, addr, 0) + data)
socket.timeout: timed out

The Naomi just shows a blinking "Now Loading" message and doesn't get any further.

Thanks in advance,

I had the same issue before, turns out the script I was using wasnt quite right. It has a timesout set which was tripping things up. I can confirm that the script @vholfx attached is the correct version and works as expected.
Hey guys,

Initial testing looks good on the script - transfer completed and namoi rebooted.

I let the game run through the full intro and demo and the machine did not reboot at all.

Thank you both for you help and time.