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If you mean the resistors on the transistor to invert the sense, that was answered a couple of replies before this by me.
I am sorry for dumb/redundant ask. I bought one chihiro type 3, so for SEGA race game I assume that you can use wheel PC & XBOX 360 compatible, or classic controller. Rumble/feedback works?
For gun game it's easy wiimote, but for ollie king controller pad is it good ? And for Namco race game?
Correct, you can use any USB controller, as long as you write the mapping file yourself.

Rumble/feedback is not currently supported as this is generally not part of JVS.

I haven't tried Ollie King myself, but I'm sure there is some way you can setup the controller to play it!

Feel free to join the discord chat below, there are tonnes of people on there that have probably already tried what you want to do :)

Took me about 5 minutes to setup a map for this steering wheel - hoping to get started on the proper force feedback drivers soon!

about feedback and rumble this sentence lead me into mistake, working in progress?
It is technically a 'work in progress' but I'm moving house soon so won't get much time to work on OpenJVS at the moment, so it's definately not going to be in a working state for a good while!
Any normal big Raspberry Pi above a 2 should work fine.

I'm asuming you mean, can I install it on Windows 10? In which case no, OpenJVS is a Linux program and won't work on windows.

If you wanna ask anymore questions join here to save giving everyone notifications: discord.gg/aJAR9N2
Anyone tested OpenJVS with InitialD and Wangan Midnight - mainly with G25/29? Thanks!
I try to enbale my controller but dont run, how to please:

You’ve probably not made a map file for your controller right? It needs a file in /etc/openjvs/devices to know how to deal with the buttons, before you can enable it.

Come and ask on the discord chat if you need help with that :)
I asked this question on the discord but no answer maybe someone can help me here, so how to made someone can show his sense line little pcb and explain how to made one please for run openJVS with Chihiro. And ifII make one for chihiro no need made another for Naomi 2, etc.THX

II saw that on the web but it's so ugly, and I dont know if it run.

I think I have that same PCB. It doesn't work with OpenJVS. Or at least it didn't when I tried a couple of months ago.
I think I have that same PCB. It doesn't work with OpenJVS. Or at least it didn't when I tried a couple of months ago.
I have the same one. It does run for me with Crazy Taxi in Naomi 2. But only if I boot the game with the standard JVS plug and then switch after boot to the RS485 one. When I go into the test menu my system freezes tho.
For initial D for example its not possible to do this, as it immediately displays an error message if you disconnect the JVS plug.
I have replied on the discord @nonosto with a picture I drew.

The setup in the picture you sent won’t work at all - where did you find that? The sense line red wire MUST be also connected to GPIO 12 which is Pin 32 (by default) on the raspberry pi uninhibited by the diodes.

Basically it’s as simple as this:

Connect green wire to A
Connect white wire to B
Connect black wire to GND
Connect Red wire to Pin 32 on Pi
Connect Pin 32 to GND via a 1kOhm resistor or 4 signal diodes (make sure diodes are correct way around if used).

If anyone can suggest a better way of explaining please do!