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I would like to see a forum section open up for plasticfactory someday. He's been on fire lately!

I genuinely appreciate that, thank you. I'm looking forward to delivering on a few open projects, but have a ways to go before earning that.
Hopefully the last update before shipping -- Unfortunately, I did not have time to finish things up this week. I definitely overestimated how much free time I would have during the holidays.

I'm coming in this weekend to finish the cutting, and will share some pics on Sunday. Monday-Wednesday, I will package and ship as time permits, assuming the flat washers arrive. Kind of annoying to wait for such a small piece of the puzzle; if they don't come soon I will eat the extra cost and order some on Amazon.

Today I'm working up the Design for the hold-down feet. I will share that here when I'm finished. These parts may ship separately as I opted to SLS print them (this will absolutely be worth the delay) and am going to have to wait on materials. This should happen by the end of next week. To anyone particularly eager, I could probably FDM some temporary feet for you.

Hopefully this all doesn't sound too bad. Please feel free to reach out if you have any concerns!
Yeah! Definitely no rush. We appreciate you taking the time to do this. 🙂
This is an extremely unfortunate update:

Last night I made it roughly halfway through this project before experiencing a catastrophic failure of the laser. Fortunately, I was in the vicinity to keep things from getting out of hand. The short version: a fire started in the laser mirror section, near the cable chain. I have a CFI coming to investigate the root cause, but I obviously can't cut anything right now. I feel compelled to say this wasn't a workpiece fire, but a machinery failure. Because this belongs to my company's R&D department, I can't share much more until things are settled. I'll post some pictures after that. All I can really say is that I'm so, so sorry and disappointed, but grateful things weren't worse.

That said -- I am close friends with a local fabricator who has a very similarly sized and powered laser. He has picked up the rest of the acrylic today and has promised to do all the final cuts for me. Personally, I've already started shopping for a US made laser from a different company.

Here are the options:
a) Keep your order open. I am going to go ahead and finish (all) the cases regardless. I want to be liberal with my estimate to avoid pushing dates. They will be done within the first week of February, barring something totally unforeseen such as this.

b) I refund you in full, +7% for the hassle of the entire thing (I can still message you when they are complete).

I am extremely disappointed something like this happened on the first project I offered up on this forum. For future projects, I will likely skip a preorder and simply do an interest check to avoid this happening.

Please, PM or reply here with what you would like to do. Anyone I don't hear from by Wednesday, I will PM.

Additionally, I've attached a crummy photo I took yesterday of the printed parts and hardware, just to provide some proof that these are in a nearing complete state, in case anyone has a raised eyebrow. Also... The red looks much brighter/orange in the pic than in person.

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So far I've heard back from about half of you, thanks for the support. My guy already started doing test cuts to make a program. I have a feeling he'll be quicker than I'm expecting... But I'm sticking with first week of February and cross my fingers for sooner :P In the mean time I can finish up packaging and labeling all the hardware... The worst part.