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Apr 23, 2020
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Orange County, CA
In the past I put on hold reverting back my SF2WW pcb from rainbow to original version but now I resumed it again. I tried to replace PAL at position 11D on B board with GAL16V8 component. I tried to program it with TL866II programmer but I wasn't successful. I tried to erase it but it's still reading mix of 1s and 0s and when I programmed it I got an error message. How do I program this component?

If anyone can point me to the right direction I would appreciate it.

Thank you.
Try reaching out to steph, he may be able to help you. I’m working with him to see if he can make me a new set of Pals for a MM the Power Battle I’m trying to fix. Hopefully he can give you a hand.
If you have the .jed you know should work, I can program a gal16v8d for you (I should have plenty of extras)
That's great. Yes, I have the files. I'll pm you.
Good to know. If I ever need to burn EPROMs or GALs again, I'll contact you as well. Thank you.