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Grand Master
Jul 24, 2015
Reaction score
Brooklyn, NY
Hey AP,

I have this remote board for my monitor and I wanted to replace the trimmer pots with ones with knobs.


They look like 1k ohm trimmer pots and I wanted to ask if I just needed to find another 1k ohm pot that would fit on the pcb or if there were other considerations I need to make. Linear vs logarithmic? Would a replacement like this work?

Also and in the same vein, I have a Meanwell RT 125a PSU and I want to replace the 5v adjustment pot and run it to inside the control panel (so when I change a board I don't have to dig back into the deepest recesses of the cab). Is it basically the same thing (find or measure the resistance of that pot) then replace it with one that has equal resistance? Is it all that simple?


Thanks in advance to any who can offer any info.
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502 are 5k ohm
503 are 50k ohm
102 are 1k ohm

We just used the same ones that are on the OG remote board for this monitor. Not wholly sure what else you can use on them given the spacing, but I'm sure there's something.