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Reverse engineering 161 in 1 cartridge to change Rom games

This is awesome, thank you!

Is there any way you can share the source assembly for the PicknMIX patch?

I ask because my cart was made with a different list than the provided CSV. Also, I'd like to be able to disable certain titles (like 240p test suite) from the PicknMIX rotation.
@zardam was kind enough to post the source/build script here:


I'm up and running with PickNMix -- thank you so much!
Thank you very much for your amazing work on this, I am looking forward to trying it for myself!

When I send the boards to JLCpcb I got a strange error from them saying they could not manufacture. I have never seen this error before and PCBway works as expected.

So I revise the file "Gerber-vtx-f0095-2-PCB Thickness 12" slightly
to "Revised for JLC Gerber-vtx-f0095-2-PCB Thickness 12"

My revision means that board #8 in the stack is now missing from the Gerber, so board 3 will need to be used twice
Screen Shot 2024-06-07 at 8.19.12 PM.png

If anyone is interested how this is done first I use Kicad viewer to open the Gerber Zip, then I use "Export to PCB editor", then I open the resulting .pro file in PCB editor. This isn't a real project file (no schematic or components) but can still make changes to edge cuts, footprints, silkscreen, drillholes (some) traces and etc. There is a bug with the 3D viewer for PCB's produced in this way, you need to close and save to force them to update and render properly.
Mine went through fine with jlc. They just asked me if one of the pcbs really has no traces. They arrived today and look good. Waiting for the pins to build them.
I‘'m sorry but the diameter of hole in 03 is 0.55mm and the diameter of hole in 02,04,05 is 0.72mm. I don't know you can't use my gerber in JLC so I didn't say it. I can use my gerber.
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I update the gerber, and how to build it

Gerber-vtx-f0095-1-PCB Thickness 1.6mm
Gerber-vtx-f0095-1-PCB Thickness 1.6mm.jpg

Gerber-vtx-f0095-2-PCB Thickness 1.2mm
Gerber-vtx-f0095-2-PCB Thickness 1.2mm.jpg
This is the most beautiful thing, thank you for sharing it. My boards arrived and I have assembled.

The way you design the pogo pins so they are retained at the correct height during assembly and still free to move is extremely clever.

Now I understand why the boards are designed like this. Bravo sir!


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For those making these carts, be aware that the WeAct demo board that's used to program the flash memory is a simple development board that was not designed to be a programmer. While WeAct uses a real STM32 MCUs, no provisions are on board to prevents bad things happening to the GPIOs. Real programmers have diodes, resistors and buffers to prevent bad flash/eproms from killing the programmer. This device has no such thing. The data and address lines on the flash chips are directly connected to the STM32; if you got an internal short on of the flash chip, it will kill the MCU.

At this point, a bad flash chip has killed 3 of my programmers. The only way to fix the programmer is to buy a new STM32H750VBT6 from Digikey or Mouser and throw away the bad flash chip.

The ultimate solution is to stop using the WeAct programmer and port the code to something with better filtration. Pi? a Hat for the WeAct programmer with filters? or pay $20 each time for a new STM32. Recycled flash memory strikes again. :(
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@rockbottom please check your PM's , we have a CPS1 multi with the super pang hack (and other interesting versions) on loan for dumping but need to loan / obtain the adapter unless you/someone wants/can to do it?

Does anyone else have a dumping adapter for this? Please get in touch!

This needs to go back to the owner soon and i'm very low on time so can't design a board etc at the moment...

There is about 4-5 chips on the board to dump (GFX and program), the sound was on normal chips.


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Is there any comprehensive guide somewhere on what is needed and how to do this? Curious about trying to make one for myself as the DS AES carts are not sold anymore :/ but information in this thread is too scattered for my poor brain 😅
Is there any comprehensive guide somewhere on what is needed and how to do this? Curious about trying to make one for myself as the DS AES carts are not sold anymore :/ but information in this thread is too scattered for my poor brain 😅
i need too !
Just a heads up for anyone thinking of making themselves one of these carts. Supply of these is almost all gone. Prices are now insanely high (assuming they have it - I got a refund from a seller telling me their supplier is sold out)

The quality of the flash chips is also very poor. The last donor cart I got, every single 1Gb flash chip on the cart is bad. It can read, but fails to write at random spots on the chip. I think the Chinese started using rejected flash chips just to get something out the door.

Unless something changes, this might be "Game Over" for this project; using these carts at least.
Just a heads up for anyone thinking of making themselves one of these carts. Supply of these is almost all gone. Prices are now insanely high (assuming they have it - I got a refund from a seller telling me their supplier is sold out)

The quality of the flash chips is also very poor. The last donor cart I got, every single 1Gb flash chip on the cart is bad. It can read, but fails to write at random spots on the chip. I think the Chinese started using rejected flash chips just to get something out the door.

Unless something changes, this might be "Game Over" for this project; using these carts at least.
Maybe they will go back to using Fujitsu Chips only like the first revisions.
But it will be a huge hassle to desolder 20 chips and we will not be able to fit another 1gb.
Maybe they find another solution, i don't known.
Maybe they will go back to using Fujitsu Chips only like the first revisions.
But it will be a huge hassle to desolder 20 chips and we will not be able to fit another 1gb.
Maybe they find another solution, i don't known.

If you search for "MVS 161" on AE, all you get now is series 1 carts. Either they found some in the back room, or, as you suggested, they went back to Fuitsu chips. No one will do this mod on Fujitsu chips. There's no commercial programmers for them - soldering them to adapter PCBs is the only option. :(
If you search for "MVS 161" on AE, all you get now is series 1 carts. Either they found some in the back room, or, as you suggested, they went back to Fuitsu chips. No one will do this mod on Fujitsu chips. There's no commercial programmers for them - soldering them to adapter PCBs is the only option. :(
Can confirm, every single one I found on Aliexpress is the v1 stuff from a few years back, super high prices like $US200-$400
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Hm, I've found a few ranging from $10 to $100...

Never believe the low end prices on Aliexpress. A common trick sellers like to pull is to put multiple options on a product page, and make the cheapest option an almost totally irrelevant item to give an artificially lower price to catch people's attention when they use the Low to High price sorting option. If you check the $10 option, it's for an empty box, and even after that the shipping is nearly double the price of the item itself.
Yeah. Pay attention to shipping. $75 per game. Order 2 (because you need 2 carts to make 1) and shipping is $150. 😂

Your AE coupons don’t work on shipping either.
Yeah. Pay attention to shipping. $75 per game. Order 2 (because you need 2 carts to make 1) and shipping is $150. 😂

Your AE coupons don’t work on shipping either.
Weird, I dont see any with shipping like that. I see some where the carts are $50-ish, with shipping ranging from $17 to $40. The $40 shipping is pretty exorbitant, for sure tho. I'll admit I didnt think about needing two carts though XD
Just a heads up for anyone thinking of making themselves one of these carts. Supply of these is almost all gone. Prices are now insanely high (assuming they have it - I got a refund from a seller telling me their supplier is sold out)

The quality of the flash chips is also very poor. The last donor cart I got, every single 1Gb flash chip on the cart is bad. It can read, but fails to write at random spots on the chip. I think the Chinese started using rejected flash chips just to get something out the door.

Unless something changes, this might be "Game Over" for this project; using these carts at least.
I confirm that. I friend bought one a few days ago and had a refund yesterday, and can't find a single one anymore.