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Awesome. To review again; HOTD 3 on the Chihiro works with net booting? I know the Chihiro doesn't recognize the CF kits so if not net booting - then you must play with the original GD-rom or the SSD kit? Does HOTD 3 work on Type 1 with net booting? Trying to find out what games exactly work with a Type I machine - I have heard five games work and could possibly be net booted: CTHR, Ghost Squad, OutRun2, HOTD3??, Virtua Cop 3 - anyone know if that is correct? If so, do all five games work with the S-JIHP? Chihiro motherboards are difficult to find - possibly easier to find a Type 1. Just wondering exactly the difference what can be done with either Type 1 or 3. Thanks.
I can only speak for type 3 using an SSD and the hacked roms to play HOTD3 and VC3 on the type 3 with SSD. They all work great. You can see me playing VC3 for a few seconds in my recent tournament video on Youtube.

I don't have a Rev. 1 Chihiro unfortunately.
Awesome. To review again; HOTD 3 on the Chihiro works with net booting? I know the Chihiro doesn't recognize the CF kits so if not net booting - then you must play with the original GD-rom or the SSD kit? Does HOTD 3 work on Type 1 with net booting? Trying to find out what games exactly work with a Type I machine - I have heard five games work and could possibly be net booted: CTHR, Ghost Squad, OutRun2, HOTD3??, Virtua Cop 3 - anyone know if that is correct? If so, do all five games work with the S-JIHP? Chihiro motherboards are difficult to find - possibly easier to find a Type 1. Just wondering exactly the difference what can be done with either Type 1 or 3. Thanks.
I have both a Darksoft SSD and a Piforce Raspberry Pi (used for netbooting like on a Naomi or Triforce).

If you have a Chihiro Type 3, the only way to play Crazy Taxi: High Roller is with Darksoft's SSD, which has a special coded version of the game that only works with that. If you have a Type 1, CTHR will work via netbooting on that (but the trade off is that you can't play a bunch of the later games).

House of the Dead 3... It definitely works with the SSD, and I believe the hacked netboot version loads as well. Been a while since I loaded this game, so I can't recall off the top of my head.

Outrun and Wangan, you can boot those either way (SSD or netboot). Same thing for the other games, to my knowledge.

And yeah, the gun and racing games work with the S-JIHP. Crazy Taxi is a bit flakey (I can't have my wheel plugged in when I boot the game or it'll lock up), and a few others you have to make sure you change the cabinet type or turn off card readers/motors for them to boot past the i/o checks. But everything loads and is totally playable.
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Thanks for the reply. When you mention CTHR on the Type I and the tradeoff is that you can't play a bunch of the later games; which games absolutely can NOT be played on a Type I via net booting and a Raspberry Pi? It seemed most of the later games were unusual and not the core games - as mentioned I read once that CTHR, HOTD 3, Virtua Cop 3, Ghost Squad, and Outrun 2 would all work with a Type I motherboard. If they all net boot from a Raspberry Pi, it may be a good option for me as those are the games I would most likely play anyway and the net dimm could be used for my Naomi as well. And if all 5 of those games work with the S-JIHP; even more so as I can use my S-JIHP for those games. What are the key games that can only be played with a Type 3? Trying to decide if a Type I would be worth the investment instead of the very pricey Type 3 option.
Thanks for any input.
I only have a Chihiro Type 3, so I couldn't really say what isn't playable on a Type 1.

According to the Arcade Otaku wiki, though... neither of the Outrun 2 games work on it. Which, to me, that's a huge deal breaker as Outrun 2 and Outrun 2SP are two of the very best games on the system.

According to the Arcade Otaku wiki, though... neither of the Outrun 2 games work on it.
Actually looks like the prototype and the very first two revisions will work but not the later SP and Special Tours which only work for Rev. 3.

Revision 3 is hard to find but is a better all in one solution if you can get an SSD kit. I know operators that have replaced their broken GD rom drives with the SSD and they are extremely happy.
I personally have never had an issue with booting CTHR on the Rev. 3 with my wheel plugged in. Just for the record.
Yeah, it's really weird. I have the issue with both of the wheels I've modded. If I have them plugged in, the game will either boot and lock-up when you try to put coins in. Or it won't boot past the i/o check screen, and locks up the system. I've been thinking it's a service/coin/start conflict, but haven't had a chance to really troubleshoot it further.

The way I get past it is...

Turn on the system with the wheel unplugged from the Helper PCB.

(Optional) Go into the main Chihiro service menu and set the system to Freeplay.

Let the game load, then go into the Service menu, and go into the Crazy Taxi menu. Plug in the controller. Set the gas/break/wheel settings for the game.

Exit the Crazy Taxi menu. Unplug the wheel, exit the system service menu.

Let the game load, then plug in the wheel and it should work then...until I power off the system.
Ok. So going by the wiki link; the only games that will NOT work on a Type I are the Out Run SP versions as well as special tours (total 3 games)? When it says satellite terminal, does that mean only Type 3 compatible or that it requires on online component that will work with either version Type 1 or 3? Sorry for being dumb here, but trying to make sure I read the chart correctly and it seems the Type I can play as many games (compatible) at the Type 3. Unless the satellite terminal games are only Type 3, but I don't see many on that list that would be missed too badly. The inability to use the SSD for Type 3 is too bad, but if the games can be net boot with a Raspberry Pi; it would suffice in my case.
Thanks for any clarification. Wonder if anyone has actually tried or tested the net booting with a Type I motherboard and which roms will actually work or not? Based on the link; most of them should work?
Ok. So going by the wiki link; the only games that will NOT work on a Type I are the Out Run SP versions as well as special tours (total 3 games)?
Outrun 2 Special Tours and Outrun 2 SP are the same game, they're just different regions.

The inability to use the SSD for Type 3 is too bad, but if the games can be net boot with a Raspberry Pi; it would suffice in my case.
You can use the SSD on the Chihiro Type 3.
Sorry; I meant Type I for the SSD not working. Basically, the Type 3 is the only method of playing OutRun 2 SP and using the SSD kit. Based on the chart; that is it, but I must be missing something as Type 3 is supposed to play more games than the Type 1. But it seems Type 1 can be used to play most of the games, or at least the "main" games that would be mostly played in my opinion based on the link unless I am missing something.
Yeah I guess if you don't mind missing out on the SP versions of Outrun then the Rev. 1 is ok. I think most people go for the complete package and SP is really the best version of the game. I don't know about others but when I netboot my Chihiro it takes FOREVER to load a game. I'm talking like 10 to 15 minutes. The SSD loads a game in about 1 minute.
Yeah I guess if you don't mind missing out on the SP versions of Outrun then the Rev. 1 is ok. I think most people go for the complete package and SP is really the best version of the game. I don't know about others but when I netboot my Chihiro it takes FOREVER to load a game. I'm talking like 10 to 15 minutes. The SSD loads a game in about 1 minute.
Yep, the SSD is lightning fast. Definitely loads the games in about 1 minute.

Piforce raspberry pi set-up is a little faster than netbooting from a PC. I find it takes around 3 to 5 minutes. Some games are faster than others.
Never used a Pi. If I had the cash I might get one just for the hell of it.

On a side note, I wish someone would patch out the FFB check on F Zero on the Triforce so people without deluxe cabs could play it....
Never used a Pi. If I had the cash I might get one just for the hell of it.

On a side note, I wish someone would patch out the FFB check on F Zero on the Triforce so people without deluxe cabs could play it....
+1 on the patch for ffb check on f zero
who sells the ssd?
Darksoft can sometimes get them. It seems like it's getting more difficult since only a certain SSD can me modded to work with Chihiro and Triforce. We don't know how to mod them so it's up to his supplier. But contact him to try and get one.
The DB15 ports are PC joystick pinout. I did it that way so people could easily mod certain PC controls like Joysticks and racing wheels by just rewiring the inside of the devices a bit.
The DB25 ports use a modified MAS SuperNova pinout. I can post that pinout here if you need it. I added analog controls and a few others to it.
Could you post the pinouts ?
I have some sticks to cable, I have to choose a pinout. So I'd prefer to uses the same pinout as you, to be ready when I'll buy you a S-JIHP.
Here is my pinout:
