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Jun 18, 2020
Reaction score
Nevada City, Ca
Let's try this again with a revised search criteria.

I am looking for a candy cab in NorCal with a nice working CRT (of course) to replace the NAC I had to sell some 10 years ago.

I'm looking for, in order of desire:
- New Net City
- Blast City

However, if you have another nice candy that isn't a Sega cab, I'm still down to take a look. I'm just looking for Sega cabs first because of parts availability and previous experience.

I live in Gold Country in NorCal and will travel basically within a 4 hour radius of Sacramento to pick up. I'm trying to avoid having to do shipping and would rather come pick up in person. If this local search doesn't work out, then I'll expand my search.

I tried posting this in 2020 and was told here and in PM to contact KC Arcade, which I did but I ended up not dealing with them. I did not get a very confident vibe from my back and forth with them. Seeing the complaint thread and subsequent ban, I'm glad I held off. Then Covid hit and I ended up forgetting all about looking for a cab.

I was sent here in 2020 from Shmups by forum member ATTRACTS. Still a lurker on this forum for the most part but have been in the arcade hobby, fighting games and shmups since 2008 or so.

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Contact KC, you can find his thread in the Buy/Sell section for Full Cabs. I just got my Egret 3 from him last week and I'm on the East Coast. You being on the West Coast, means you can go to his warehouse and see exactly what all he has.
I'm in Santa Barbara, CA. Have a few candies to get rid of. They were all used for conventions/shows/tours that have since stalled b/c of the virus. Egret3, atomiswave sd, 2 astro, aero, neo candy 25, and maybe 1 more blast the one in my storage atm sold yesterday.