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APOCALYPSE Sega System 16B Multi Sales, Installation and Support

Hi, I joined the site just for this. I will be wanting one 16b and maybe even a 16a too.. But I had some questions.

I was wondering why 16b doesn't have Alex Kidd: The Lost Stars ? I notice 16a does. Basically I am only interested in the System16 horizontal screen 8way joystick 3 button (or less) games, as this will be going in a Golden Axe cab. Maybe I read a out of date info ? I am hoping the 16b now supports AlexKidd ?

If not, I was thinking I would use a Jamma switcher for a 16A donor and a 16B donor and buy both multi's and then have them all that way.

One other issue, I really am a gamer, not a tech dude, I have no clue how the Eproms work, how to program them, etc.. But is there a way to only load in the games I want, so I do not have to scroll through the vertical games I do not want ? I hope I am explaining this right, and thank you for supplying us with such awesome inventions like this to keep our passion and industry afloat.

Here is a list of the games I want in my Golden Axe cab:

Golden Axe
Alex Kidd: The Lost Stars
Bay Route
Tough Turf
Riot City
Alien Syndrome
Wonderboy III

Thats it. But damn, Alex Kidd is important please.
No Alex Kidd is not supported and we don't have a multi for 16A. Sorry.

With this kit there are rollup packs in the wild with the necessary files for you to burn. Unfortunately no way to remove games. The stock way to select a game is via dipswitches so no scrolling to worry about.
No Alex Kidd is not supported and we don't have a multi for 16A. Sorry.

With this kit there are rollup packs in the wild with the necessary files for you to burn. Unfortunately no way to remove games. The stock way to select a game is via dipswitches so no scrolling to worry about.
Oh, ok. I was reading somewhere I thought it was saying there was a 16A multi but I guess I was mistaken. I think it was the System16.com Museum place, but I most likely read it wrong, it was prob just listing out factory system game support.

So I imagine the Multi can only support what Sega could support on their 16B cards right ? Curious - what is the limit/issue with AlexKidd ? I notice Shinobi is a 16a game, and Sega was able to get it to 16b. Why not AlexKidd ? Anyone know ?

Dipswitches are cool and all, but I do want ease of switching for my friends playing in my arcade. Is there possibly a remote I could tap into the dip switches and get it to the CP in any way, then mount it there ? That would be awesome ! I would then custom print some tiny instructions labeling which game is which position, etc.. and find a cool place to adhere it to.

Well either way, I am interested in one so how do I sign up here ?

Sorry another question - Anyone know if System16 games were equal to or better than their duplicate Sega Genesis 16 games ? You know how Nintendo PC10 games are basically literally identical to NES games. But the Nintendo VS games were not, they were kinda the same with little differences. For this reason, someone made a awesome ass adaptor that allowed you to play ANY Nintendo NES cartridge in your PC10 upright !

My thoughts were... does this multi 16b open up the door for something similar to be made for a System16b (a cartridge adaptor) and play Sega Genesis Cartridges on them ? That'd be dope ! My first thoughts are Kid Chameleon baby !!!
OK, there’s a lot to unpack here. :D

Alex Kidd isn’t on the System 16B Multi because it uses a UPD7751 chip for voice samples that was only used on the System 16A hardware. The other System 16A-only games don’t use that chip for voice samples so they got ported over.

There is a rotary dial selector and several OLED & LED display selectors for the System 16B created by other members of the AP community. There is already a pin header build in on the System 16B Multi board for connecting an external selector. An external selector isn’t included with the Multi but search around the forums and you’ll find them.

You can order the System 16B Multi by sending a PM to @Mitsurugi-w . It’ll work with any working System 16B game as a donor although you might have to swap the special Sega copy-protection Main CPU or Sound CPU for a generic equivalent if your game uses one. A generic processor isn’t expensive though-should be $20 or less.

For legal reasons, the Multi isn’t shipped with the games programmed onto the EPROM chips. AP forum members (including myself) offer EPROM programming services - feel free to hit me up if you buy the Multi and need it programmed. I also produced a video that covers the processor swapping, programming and installation of the System 16B Multi-check it out here:
View: https://youtu.be/rz98E4FPgGw

System 16B games are superior to their home console counterparts. The arcade board has more colors, more memory, sprite scaling, larger ROMs, and better sound, so all of the games look and sound better.

Unfortunately though, the System 16B hardware is incompatible with the Sega Genesis hardware - the graphics system, memory layout and sound hardware are substantially different, so running Genesis console games on the System 16B arcade board isn’t possible without manually porting one game at a time.

Interestingly, Sega did produce three different model arcade boards which are much more similar to the Genesis hardware-System C2, Mega-Tech and Mega Play. The Mega-Tech and Mega Play arcade boards will run Genesis home carts with a converter, and they are the Sega equivalent of the PlayChoice-10. Mega-Tech even had Kid Chameleon in the arcade back in the day-that’s one of the official carts for it! :thumbsup:

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First off, thank you very much for such a detailed and excellently written post answering my questions. Much appreciated.

Alex Kidd isn’t on the System 16B Multi because it uses a UPD7751 chip for voice samples that was only used on the System 16A hardware. The other System 16A-only games don’t use that chip for voice samples so they got ported over.
Ahhh, yes. Makes sense. Its ok, cause I figure I can find a AlexKidd PCB, some Jamma adaptors and just use a Jamma switcher to switch between that dedicated Alex game board A and my GoldenAxe B board with the multi installed in it. So lol, I will have two selectors to do. One switches between Alex Kidd dedicated and the Golden Axe with Multi, once on Golden Axe, I will then use the Rotary selector to switch between the System16b multi games.

There is a rotary dial selector and several OLED & LED display selectors for the System 16B created by other members of the AP community. There is already a pin header build in on the System 16B Multi board for connecting an external selector. An external selector isn’t included with the Multi but search around the forums and you’ll find them.
Absolutely awesome. Thanks for this info, I will be searching for that here. Sounds perfect !

You can order the System 16B Multi by sending a PM to @Mitsurugi-w
(Insert thumbs up here !) - Wait, Ill just do it ! :thumbsup: lol

For legal reasons, the Multi isn’t shipped with the games programmed onto the EPROM chips. AP forum members (including myself) offer EPROM programming services - feel free to hit me up if you buy the Multi and need it programmed. I also produced a video that covers the processor swapping, programming and installation of the System 16B Multi-check it out here
Ironic, I watched that video the other day in my researching this product. So you're that dude ! Ok, cool. Yes I will need that service for sure. I'll send you a PM once needed. Oh, and yea I was looking at my board and I didn't see any of the plastic covers of copyright protection or whatever it is.. so Hmm, thing is, is it was right after I purchased the game - and I had to go real quick, so I am not holding it in my hand now. I will get to it in a few and maybe start another thread about it if I have any issues.

System 16B games are superior to their home console counterparts. The arcade board has more colors, more memory, sprite scaling, larger ROMs, and better sound, so all of the games look and sound better.
Nuff said ! Yep that means they won't be compatible and it makes sense, and its good news actually. (IMO). Cause it means they are real arcade games and not their console knockoffs..

Sega did produce three different model arcade boards which are much more similar to the Genesis hardware-System C2, Mega-Tech and Mega Play. The Mega-Tech and Mega Play arcade boards will run Genesis home carts with a converter, and they are the Sega equivalent of the PlayChoice-10. Mega-Tech even had Kid Chameleon in the arcade back in the day-that’s one of the official carts for it!
SHUT THE FRONT DOOR !?!?!?! This is now my whole reason for existence. Crazy, I am a arcade collector (for only 1 year now), but also a serious gamer in general since birth and I never heard of the Mega-Tech or Mega-Play. I must find one now. I am on a mission.
Sega did produce three different model arcade boards which are much more similar to the Genesis hardware-System C2, Mega-Tech and Mega Play. The Mega-Tech and Mega Play arcade boards will run Genesis home carts with a converter, and they are the Sega equivalent of the PlayChoice-10

Wot? Does this converter really exist ? Need one !
Hi all,

I recently booted up my System 16B multi (v1) and a few games aren't booting (black screen)

Bay Route - 10001
Cotton - 01001
Dynamite Dux - 11001
E-Swat - 00101
Golden Axe - 10101
M.V.P - 01101
Wrestle War - 11101
Aurail - 00001 (this one played a random music or sound along with no screen)

My first guess is one of the eproms is bad? If so, any idea which one it could be, or should I just have a whole new set burned?

Any help would be greatly appreciated!
mine arrived today here in England Mitsurugi , so will give me something to do, need to read a guide , nice touch with the coin by the way :-)
just after some help , i amm having sound issues , as in no sound , when i first set it all up i had no sound on any game, then playing cottn i got sound , then all games were ok , put it away , fired it up today and no sound again , or the odd like blip type like a short or something , i replaced thez80 and i have tried another m27c801 , am now confused , if i turn volume up its like just a buzzing