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My machine region is Japan,so when i run export edition game, it shows Error 5. I have uploaded the Triforce_Firm_v3.12_TYPE3_ONLY.BIN by triforcetools.py or transfergame.exe many times but it only shows the Error31. Is the Triforce_Firm_v3.12_TYPE3_ONLY.BIN not compatible with the Japan version of Triforce type3? Thanks
have you tried loading a normal zero key game? Which regions work?
Can't you easily switch region on the triforce like on the chihiro? (Pressing the service button several times when you are on the test mode info screen.) As there are only 3 regions, you could try them all if it's the case.
The fireware version is too low to allow me to change the region.
That's likely the problem. It refuses to run the update software and shows error 31 instead.
Also, I cannot find any JAPan version of triforce dimm ROMS. I also try to convert the Exp version to the region free version by region.exe, but when i uploaded them, it shows error31 instead of error5.