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Nov 14, 2015
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So, Ive been working up some repro marquee light pcbs for the vewlixs, these should work on all vewlix cabs since they already have the wiring for it.

PCBs are on the way, so will be testing them soon, hopefully the leds I chose look good or are close to the originals

There will be 3 pcbs in total along with some interconnecting wiring needed.

This is the center pcb. I have addeed the leds for ligthing up the bottom acrylic with the vewlix logo.

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So is this the official interest check list now?
Thank you for the update!
;) And thank you for the support! :thumbup:
So is this the official interest check list now?
Kinda...PCBS are done, now its just a matter of getting the right color leds. I want to try and match the original color as close as possible.

The bottom leds appear to be that they were going to be RGB, so... they will need some type of controller, or I can make them the color of the top leds, meaning single color. But still, I would like to have the option to dim/turn them off

For now, I ordered pcbs with leds with a color that should match the original and just for the top marquee, plus I want to check fitment, etc...

I know some of you guys just want it to be exactly or as close as possible to the original and some will probably want RGBs, etc... So I already have those ready to send to fab to give you guys choices.

Interest expressed!
Please hold one complete kit/set for me. :D
I got you!

Im also working on the move strip light replacement, so that's coming. It will be led as well as I would like to get that AC-powered cable out of the control panel. But then again it could be used with a small psu to power things :)
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niceee.. can I show interest for a (1) full kit for a DB, and also I need the Control panel kit for a FC (the bulb for the control panel broke).
niceee.. can I show interest for a (1) full kit for a DB, and also I need the Control panel kit for a FC (the bulb for the control panel broke).
Yes sir, I gotcha on both, all might not be available at the same time, but I will have them.
Thanks guys!

Im hoping to have the first set of pcbs delivered by Wednesday, then will move on to testing/fitment and color matching etc...

From there onto adding RGB leds to the bottom. I will not mess with adding a controller for those, too many options already exist, I will test a few myself just for operational purposes.

The other thing I need to check is that I used taito's layout/spacing for the leds, not sure if a higher density might be needed.

Will update you guys asap.
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Enough parts came in, who's ready to order :thumbsup:

IMG_9890 (Large).jpg

So its a total drop in

IMG_9895 (Large).jpg
IMG_9896 (Large).jpg

This is my C with the original lights and a NOS marquee panel from Taito that still has the protective film on it, its pretty nice still

IMG_9894 (Large).jpg

This is the repro lights with a beat up marquee
IMG_9898 (Large).jpg

And this is with the NOS Marquee from the C

You cant tell from the pics that well, but its a little bit brighter. Lights up the marquee better I would say.
Im readyyyy….

Let me get a full kit please.. and when you are able ill take a control panel kit for my FC.