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Everytime I see this thread get bumped I think we're gonna get the man himself to appear.
Blows my mind how this can go on THIS LONG with cabs, lights, PCBs, and not one person has put together a negative feedback post...
Someone stated a year ago or so that he was going through some hardships, so people are trying to be kind and waiting it out I guess. But this long without even a comment is suspicious. So by now I would expect feedback posts / charge-backs etc if it's even possible.
i personally cut my losses. i was supposed to get a xexex pcb and another adapter for my 2nd e2, but im pretty sure thats never gonna happen. i cant really elaborate on it, but i know SOME movement on his end, but i dont think these marquee lights are gonna be in anyones cabs anytime soon, if ever. i even offered to help take the stuff and ship it out myself on my dime to help make things right but he didnt go for that either when i asked several months ago. time will tell, but after this i hate to say i wouldnt buy anything else from him even if he does come back. just like Hammy... i dont mind waiting, but i dont wanna wait 2 years or more for something i paid for in full.
Someone stated a year ago or so that he was going through some hardships, so people are trying to be kind and waiting it out I guess. But this long without even a comment is suspicious. So by now I would expect feedback posts / charge-backs etc if it's even possible.
The problem is that this community (arcade in general, not just here) will extend their kindness so far that they burn themselves. Again, and again, and again. He was 6+ months late already for a lot of stuff when the hardship comments came about.

I don't know Erick's circumstances, and I am not stating for a fact he's scamming, but it does follow the exact same pattern every other big league get-out-of-the-hobby scam has followed over the past 2 decades. Don't ship, say you're busy, don't ship, disappear, come back momentarily promising to ship, dip, tell someone you've got health/family/fire on your property problems, dip again until everyone is way past the point they can find any financial recourse.

I have several friends, and a handful of acquaintances owed all sorts of stuff from this man, and I just cannot wrap my head around not saying anything when someone else has your money and you're put off for months and years on end. All not saying anything does is make sure that they can do it to another person, and another.
When he reappeared and promised refunds, I stayed quiet. If he's homeless, then that's an excuse I'd accept.

I've had it pretty shit behind the scenes - family and work problems (including the deaths of close family members), but I didn't just disappear with everyone's stuff/money.
Ya he screwed a lot of people. Not just people who ordered the vewlix lights
Can anyone confirm if he's even still alive and well?

I don't mean to make excuses for anyone but when my father passed suddenly I had to do my best to close down his 2-way radio business. I can only wonder if he had outstanding orders waiting to get performed.
Can anyone confirm if he's even still alive and well?

I don't mean to make excuses for anyone but when my father passed suddenly I had to do my best to close down his 2-way radio business. I can only wonder if he had outstanding orders waiting to get performed.
As of last month I saw evidence he was alive. Can't get into the details, but something was shipped to someone who had been waiting a very long time. I know what he's going thru isn't easy, but at least he could have given us closure in terms of at least knowing we aren't gonna get what we paid for. I'm sure we can understand a marquee light is not as important as someone's life or wellbeing.... would be nice to just hear "sorry you aren't getting the xxxx" though. Or at least something other than "soon" over and over for a year sporadically.
As of last month I saw evidence he was alive. Can't get into the details, but something was shipped to someone who had been waiting a very long time. I know what he's going thru isn't easy, but at least he could have given us closure in terms of at least knowing we aren't gonna get what we paid for. I'm sure we can understand a marquee light is not as important as someone's life or wellbeing.... would be nice to just hear "sorry you aren't getting the xxxx" though. Or at least something other than "soon" over and over for a year sporadically.
I’m sorry but you aren’t really doing anyone any favour by half stating / defending things. If you know shit, either share it or don’t reference it.

I don’t mean the above in any rude way, just sharing my opinion on this
As of last month I saw evidence he was alive. Can't get into the details, but something was shipped to someone who had been waiting a very long time. I know what he's going thru isn't easy, but at least he could have given us closure in terms of at least knowing we aren't gonna get what we paid for. I'm sure we can understand a marquee light is not as important as someone's life or wellbeing.... would be nice to just hear "sorry you aren't getting the xxxx" though. Or at least something other than "soon" over and over for a year sporadically.
Y'know what, no matter what you're going through, pressing that refund button only takes a minute, and extremely little physical effort.

Maybe call me jaded because I've been here 2 decades, but with how many times we've seen someone suddenly become ill after packing in a bunch of money, have six family members die in a week, have 2 painters die, car trouble, mail trouble, WAREHOUSE FIRE (there went 200 grand), or anything else, coupled with not paying people back, I do not believe it. This whole ordeal fits the exact pattern of the normal arcade scam artist to the absolute T.

If he were ill, or his family had trouble, or anything else, and he were acting in good faith, he'd have hit the refund button in PayPal and the whole thing would be a non-issue. It's not any more complicated than that, and anyone suggesting it is hasn't opened their eyes yet. FFS, we had an actual killer head up a group buy, go to jail, and people still got their damned cabs.

If you read this Erick, and you're not actually intent on scamming anyone, hit the damned refund button and call it a day.

And yes, someone finally got a cab after a dog's age, there's no reason to be dodgy about public information. Speaking in weird half-truths isn't helping anyone or anything. But this is, again, part of the regularly scheduled program. Make one person whole, look like you're doing the right thing for just a moment, just enough to spread the seed of hope, and either bounce forever once you've past everyone's credit card protection timeline, or come back just long enough to get one more round of money in.

EDIT: I absolutely cannot spell tonight.
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ya ur both right. i was asked by both parties not to share that info, and i wont because im a man of my word. we will leave it at that and ive got nothing left to say about it. thread unfollowed.
To those involved in this project who placed an order with me that was not fulfilled this is a public apology for breaking the seller/customer relationship and the promises made. This was not at all the outcome I expected or my intention. Although not an excuse, I have not been in a good place both medically/physically/mentally for a while now. Again, not an excuse, just the facts as they are.

@Mitsurugi-w has thankfully agreed to help me finish putting the kits together and sending them out to those who still want them. I will be sending the kit parts/components off to him this week.

To those who no longer want the kit and would like a refund, please message me so I can refund you.

Again, my sincerest apology for not delivering or being transparent. I hope to be able to earn the community's trust at some point again.