Hola, ¿de qué versión? ¿Y a qué calidad? Dependiendo de qué uso quieras darle.Hello everyone, does anyone know where to find or have a scan of the time crisis cabinet arts?
I would like time crisis 1, which is my favorite. The quality, then, the maximum possible. The use is to make an arcade with those arts. Even so, if there are scans of other games in the series, I would like to keep them. But the favorite is the first time crisis.Hola, ¿de qué versión? ¿Y a qué calidad? Dependiendo de qué uso quieras darle.
Translation for non-Spanish speakers: hi, which version of the cabinet, and what quality do you need? Depending on what's meant for.
I'm working on reproducing the cabinet for use in Age of Joy, a virtual arcade project for Quest 2 and 3. It's like NRA, EmuVR or Time Capsule but standalone. Problem is, I do have arts for it, but as the maximum texture resolution Unity will allow us to apply is 2K (2048x204I would like time crisis 1, which is my favorite. The quality, then, the maximum possible. The use is to make an arcade with those arts. Even so, if there are scans of other games in the series, I would like to keep them. But the favorite is the first time crisis.
For me, anything you want to share is welcome. It is a shame that this art is not publicly available on the internet, since it is necessary to preserve the video game and also its art.I'm working on reproducing the cabinet for use in Age of Joy, a virtual arcade project for Quest 2 and 3. It's like NRA, EmuVR or Time Capsule but standalone. Problem is, I do have arts for it, but as the maximum texture resolution Unity will allow us to apply is 2K (2048x204and considering Time Crisis material is sought after and monopolized by hoarders, the texture work I've got for the model I'm setting up is okay for our use case scenario, but probably not for yours. The proper instructions panel, for example, was impossible to find, so I had to reproduce it based on blurry low res photos, etc. I can share what I have, but probably won't be good enough for what you intend to use it for.
I'm VR'ing both this model and the deluxe, the art assets are very similar and can be tweaked to be used on both. Any closeup, well lit pictures you can share would help a lot to a lot of people, in my case to improve what I had to cobble together from far from ideal sources but there are tons of arcade fans looking for those assets all the time, specially good shots of the instructions sticker. Thank you so much for your help in advance.I am having a Time Crisis and could do some pictures of the artwork if it helps. Can't do scans unfortunately.
It's that modell:
Hi meyerli, sorry I couldn't get back to you earlier. To be honest, I'm still new to the forums and I've not been frequenting them too much because of work and side projects -sleeping an average of 3 hours a day currently- but I wanted to take a moment to let you know your time and efforts are highly appreciated and I, for one, will give good use to the pictures you produced, specially the instructions card. Thank you dearly. If you're into VR, own a Quest headset and want to see the product of your efforts put to good use -the attempt to replicate as accurately as possible the real life Time Crisis experience in virtual form- you're more than welcome into the Discord server for Age of Joy, the app that makes that possible, where i will upload the finished model in a few days after I'm done with it. Thank you again and have a great week.Sorry for late return. Wasn't able to drive to my room earlier. Hope these pictures will help at least. Please let me know when copied, put it temporary on my space to make it easy for download.