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@thomas3184 — I discovered this program that supports decompiling AutoIt exe files: https://gitlab.com/suvaditya/autoit-extractor

You can use it to extract scripts compiled to a3x or exe. I’m not sure if there are better options available… I’m brand new to all this stuff myself.
Yup, that’s what I use, but multiboot.exe is obfuscated I assume and was wondering if you had decompiled it properly to see what is in it.
Hmm, I’m not at home right now but I don’t recall any issues with obfuscation. You extracted the script section of the exe to a txt file, right? Should be there in plain text
So here is how my original CAVE.cfg file looked:

# Generated by Attract-Mode v2.6.1
executable cmd
args /c "[romfilename]"
rompath E:\GAMES\CAVE\
romext .a3x
system PC
info_source steam
nb_mode_wait 5
exit_hotkey Escape
artwork Flyer ..\Artwork\CAVE\flyer
artwork Logo ..\Artwork\CAVE\Logo
artwork Snaps ..\Artwork\CAVE\videos
artwork Video ..\Artwork\CAVE\videos
artwork Videos ..\Artwork\CAVE\videos
artwork boxart ..\Artwork\CAVE\boxart
artwork flyer ..\Artwork\CAVE\flyer
artwork logo ..\Artwork\CAVE\Logo
artwork marquee ..\Artwork\CAVE\wheel
artwork snap ..\Artwork\CAVE\videos
artwork snaps ..\Artwork\CAVE\videos
artwork title ..\Artwork\CAVE\title
artwork wheel ..\Artwork\CAVE\wheel

Here is how I tried to adjust it according to your description (or how I understood it):

# Generated by Attract-Mode v2.6.1
executable E:\SYSTEM\MAME_0230_64\mame.exe
args /c "[romfilename]"
rompath E:\GAMES\CAVE\
romext .zip
system PC
info_source steam
nb_mode_wait 5
exit_hotkey Escape
artwork Flyer ..\Artwork\CAVE\flyer
artwork Logo ..\Artwork\CAVE\Logo
artwork Snaps ..\Artwork\CAVE\videos
artwork Video ..\Artwork\CAVE\videos
artwork Videos ..\Artwork\CAVE\videos
artwork boxart ..\Artwork\CAVE\boxart
artwork flyer ..\Artwork\CAVE\flyer
artwork logo ..\Artwork\CAVE\Logo
artwork marquee ..\Artwork\CAVE\wheel
artwork snap ..\Artwork\CAVE\videos
artwork snaps ..\Artwork\CAVE\videos
artwork title ..\Artwork\CAVE\title
artwork wheel ..\Artwork\CAVE\wheel

Result was that it gave me a Blackscreen when trying to launch a Cave game and falling back into Attract Mode.
I then set .a3x for romext but with same result...
So I tried to put everything back to default and my .cfg file looks exactly like before (see above) but the games still don't boot.
What did I f**** up? Is there anything wrong with the format because I remember the font size changing when I had issues due to QWERTZ and QWERTY Layout differences...
However file looks like it used to be

EDIT: I got it to work again. I seem to have set the Format to Word Wrap by accident with a Qwertz shortcut..
Still I am wondering why Lachlan's step didn't work...
The args line was this in yours:

args /c "[romfilename]"

Should be

args "[romfilename]"

Fair warning that some of the a3x files will launch one version of mame or the other, depending on the title.

I imagine the games under the non system specific areas, titles like MK3 etc do exactly as you say.

To be fair I removed all of those!
Hmm, I’m not at home right now but I don’t recall any issues with obfuscation. You extracted the script section of the exe to a txt file, right? Should be there in plain text
You right boss. I looked at it again, it just points to another bat file, which then points to multi.a3x lol.
Let's make our own kick-ass version of a multi

To begin, let's continue Bigblue709's work to create new scripts that have the nag screens removed.

We just need to decompile them, and remove these 3 lines

SplashTextOn("Title", "This is a free multi-game image. " & @CR & "If you paid money for it, you got scammed. " & @CR & 'Google "Taito Type X3 Multi" to find the free download link ' & @CR & "Have a lovely day.", 0x1f4, 0x12c, +0xffffffff, +0xffffffff, $dlg_notitle, "", 0x18)

Here are the Atomiswave ones done

I have included the compiled ones as direct replacements, plus the uncompiled ones to make it easier to make changes in the future

I will continue to do them from the end of the menu working backwards from SPORTS --> SHMUPS --> PLATFORM --> GUN GAMES --> FIGHTING --> DRIVING etc

Perhaps one or two of you would like to contribute by continuing from the other direction at CPS1 --> CPS2 --> CPS3 --> ES3 etc

Who's with me?


    221.4 KB · Views: 141
Let's make our own kick-ass version of a multi

To begin, let's continue Bigblue709's work to create new scripts that have the nag screens removed.

We just need to decompile them, and remove these 3 lines

SplashTextOn("Title", "This is a free multi-game image. " & @CR & "If you paid money for it, you got scammed. " & @CR & 'Google "Taito Type X3 Multi" to find the free download link ' & @CR & "Have a lovely day.", 0x1f4, 0x12c, +0xffffffff, +0xffffffff, $dlg_notitle, "", 0x18)

Here are the Atomiswave ones done

I have included the compiled ones as direct replacements, plus the uncompiled ones to make it easier to make changes in the future

I will continue to do them from the end of the menu working backwards from SPORTS --> SHMUPS --> PLATFORM --> GUN GAMES --> FIGHTING --> DRIVING etc

Perhaps one or two of you would like to contribute by continuing from the other direction at CPS1 --> CPS2 --> CPS3 --> ES3 etc

Who's with me?

That's really what I am looking for. I am very in to help get stuff done and would like to support. Unfortunately I am so noob that I can only follow very simple Instructions.
So I would need step by step guide on which decompiler to use, which lines to remove (as above mentioned) and which compiler to use for compiling again.
I am afraid I could be more of a burden than a support but I am in to help
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