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I forget because it’s been such a long time, but using USB extension cables shouldn’t add any latency or input delay right?
Yea people get them while you still can. I'm sure the batch won't last long. @undamned is a pretty busy dude, so I'm glad I didn't have to contact him directly to see if he had any spares laying around. Since of course he is local to me lol.
So at our local meet today for the first time since forever, I had a guy use a dual shock 4 on my setup and for some reason he was stuck in low crouch during a match of Marvel 2. But once he unplugged his ds4 from the usb extender and replugged it in again everything went back to normal.

Now in all the times I’ve used Undamned USB decoders I have never encountered this. And for the four hours of gaming between me and my buddies today there were no issues whatsoever on the same setup. So should I just chalk this up to that one guy’s DS4 being weird?
So at our local meet today for the first time since forever, I had a guy use a dual shock 4 on my setup and for some reason he was stuck in low crouch during a match of Marvel 2. But once he unplugged his ds4 from the usb extender and replugged it in again everything went back to normal.

Now in all the times I’ve used Undamned USB decoders I have never encountered this. And for the four hours of gaming between me and my buddies today there were no issues whatsoever on the same setup. So should I just chalk this up to that one guy’s DS4 being weird?

Could be if it was manufactured later it may have a different firmware? Is your UD-USB up to date?

If unplugging it and reinserting it worked though, more likely it’s just being weird
I think I have the most up to date firmware but I should check again. Though people with weird ass controllers was always a thing. lol
Anybody have a recommendation for a good extension cord for the DB15 decoder for use with a Neo Geo home system?
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Anybody have a recommendation for a good extension cord for the DB15 decoder for use with a Neo Geo home system?
I bought some standard extension from AliExpress and cut the shroud so it fit the adapter. Not pretty at all, but it works!

Paradise Arcade had a much nicer cable from @undamned at one point: https://paradisearcadeshop.com/products/undamned-neo-geo-adapter-for-db15-usb-decoder

You could probably snip the end off a generic extension and attach the right form of connector to make one yourself. But it’s a small effort.
I got my adapters from Undamned in July 2019 so I should have the most up to date drivers right? I can’t update them right now for the sake of it because I’m leaving my setup for a local tomorrow. Need to know if these can use a Victrix since we have a Marvel 2 exhibition with Justin Wong tomorrow.

Edit: He uses a Qanba Obsidian, crisis averted? lol
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Yeah I need to update the drivers today. Since i noticed that for one of them when playing CvS2 casuals with Justin Wong, he needed to change his Obsidian’s setting to PS3. I think I only updated one of them years ago but I’ll update both today.