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How much did it run you if you don't mind me asking?
Just shy of 205 EURO or about $230, including shipping.
Not too bad if it's going from US to EU I suppose- I just grabbed one last night off the guy who's got one listed at 155$ right now...
the prices on the N2 have been all over the place in the last few years it seems.
not too long ago N1's were 50, N2's 100, dimms 80, and net dimms 120 or so.
Then the raspberry pi loader came out... not a MASSIVE price hike, but substantial somewhat.
No, I got it from a guy in Spain, so no overseas shipping involved here.

But you're definitely right about the increase in price. I've seen sellers charge 250 EURO for a 4.01 NetDIMM.
I own 3 Naomi-1s and one Naomi-2, personally I spend 99.9% of the time playing N1 games, the few N2 exclusive games are not that great (IMHO)

If I could just get one Naomi, I would choose the 1. Best bang for the buck.
I own 3 Naomi-1s and one Naomi-2, personally I spend 99.9% of the time playing N1 games, the few N2 exclusive games are not that great (IMHO)

If I could just get one Naomi, I would choose the 1. Best bang for the buck.
It really IS- I just needed (wanted) a second N2 so I didn't have to be limited to which board would load which game when i go to load them over the network.
I have a N2 pretty strictly for initial D3. With the new card reader emulator (thanks dudes) it's pretty sweet. aside from that I just keep a few N1's around, since that library is a good percentage of my favorite games.
I just bought the Naomi 2 Mobo. The good news, it comes with a multibios, the bad news, the price was a little higher than I had anticipated.
Acquiring the rest of the accessories will have to wait until next month.
Where are you located? Can you update your profile? I have a bunch of Naomi stuff I need to sell off. Might be able to help you.
I've decided to go the net dimm / net boot route after all, so a net dimm board with a firmware of at least 3.03 is what I'm looking for mostly right now.

Where are you located?
Good ol' Germany
I've decided to go the net dimm / net boot route after all, so a net dimm board with a firmware of at least 3.03 is what I'm looking for mostly right now.

Where are you located?
Good ol' Germany
Well, those good ol' eBay Spanish guys can help you out better than I can from this side of pond. And if you are lucky, they might ship you a bonus :D!

As for NetDimm firmware revision, I think the lowest you can go is 2.06. A member here on the forum reported that he was able use transfergame.exe to upgrade his firmware from 2.06-to-4.01, then to 4.02 without issue. If you can wait until Monday and want a 2nd opinion, I can validate his findings with 2.06 on Monday. I have two NetDimm's coming with 2.06 firmware then. No need to pay an extra premium for 3.xx firmware if you can pay less for 2.xx firmware.
Wow, you really lucked out on that Triforce.

I was afraid I'd have to bite the bullet and get the one that's on ebay right now, but 250 EURO including shipping is just a wee bit too expensive for my taste. Your offer sounds infinitely more appealing, granted that uprading the firmware actually works out.
So regarding Naomi 2....
USPS does like to mangle things.
That's not a thermal pad.
On the upside, the seller said he has a replacement, and will charge this one back to USPS insurance.
Does anyone know whether a Sega JVS Type 3 I/O Board will work with Initial D 1-3.
I know that it won't work with a Type 2 I/O, but maybe it's different for the Type 3.
Does anyone know whether a Sega JVS Type 3 I/O Board will work with Initial D 1-3.
I know that it won't work with a Type 2 I/O, but maybe it's different for the Type 3.
Ugh I accidentally double posted instead of editing, see below.
It should work, but a type 1 works fine too and is much cheaper. You only need a type 3 if you plan on getting really new stuff like the ringedge. If you honestly need to know for sure I can probably boot up a naomi2 with the type 3 IO board attached, but if I were you I'd save the money and go with a type 1, since that's what came in NAOMI cabs anyway.
I had a heatsink detached like that during shipping just buy thermal adhesive even the two part one from artic silver works well it's what I used to reattach mines. Just make sure you clean both the heatsink surface and the chip also with 99% alcohol before reapplying the adhesive. Wait I take that back did the die get ripped off too?
It should work, but a type 1 works fine too and is much cheaper. You only need a type 3 if you plan on getting really new stuff like the ringedge. If you honestly need to know for sure I can probably boot up a naomi2 with the type 3 IO board attached, but if I were you I'd save the money and go with a type 1, since that's what came in NAOMI cabs anyway.
I know that Type 1s tend to be cheaper, but someone offered me a Type 3 Board for not much more than what Type 1s are usually going for.
And since I plan to get at least a Lindbergh at some point, I'm tempted to go for the Type 3.
Make sure you test compatibility. Don't assume a Type 3 will work. I was unable to get my Type 3 to work with Afterburner Climax on Lindbergh. The analog controls just wouldn't work correctly at all.