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Alright, so here's what's available for sale on this container. The container ships as early as March 20, but needs to be paid off. We've only just gotten together our solid list for sale, has been really hectic. Please note that this close to shipping, all purchases are first-come first-serve, and payment is required immediately! I will try to reach out to people who asked for Astros individually first.

Estimated arrival/delivery is still around May. This is for the most part the final offering list. There isn't really any time for new orders at the moment. If you want anything, hop on now because I won't be pushing to do anything until late Summer or Fall from this point out.

Astro City x10 $950
The price went up on these a fair amount. Supply is low, demand is high. They will be 1p panels, and will not be cleaned like the last batch. They will, however, still be fully serviced for functionality; recapped/fixed monitors, working PSU/wiring, etc. Same as before, just not meticulously cleaned. Each cabinet will come with one arcade stool, most likely a red.

jubeat x1 $2250
I believe coming with qubell art.

Taiko no Tatsujin x1 $3750 OBO
One is 13, one is 14, your pick. Cabs are fully serviced and cleaned.

ReflecBeat x1 $1600
Comes with Raflesia art.

Groove Coaster x2 $1300
Kind of in the air which cabs will be sold, but will at least be 3EX probably.

I may also sell a couple cabinets out of my existing stock, delivery to SoCal/NorCal/Washington State is plausible. Will update as it comes!
what cabs and price are from your existing stock? And what is the acctual cosmetic condition on the Astro cities that are coming?
Pending a few incoming payments, this container is shipping in the next two weeks. Some last few photos we've received:


Astro City cabs, jubeat, ReflecBeat and Groove Coaster are still available. Side note about the Astros: I am including a stool with each cab. I don't know how many reds or blues we are getting, but there is a plentiful stock of the ones pictured. When I know better about these stools (probably when they arrive), I'll be opening those for sale as well.

There is also tentatively a BishiBashi Channel kit for sale, $3500. Will convert any Museca cab to BishiBashi Channel. Supply is non-existent for this right now, and will become very expensive soon! Limited-time offer.

I see there's a recent DDR machine in there (accounted for, I'm assuming). How much does it cost to get one of those across the ocean these days?
That one sold for $3750. The newer HD cabs are closer to the $10,000 range.

EDIT: Stools don't know yet, depends on their condition when they come in. Probably $50 range? I'll have a solid number soon. The stock I'll have is at least 40 of them so there should be no problem guaranteeing you'll get one
wow $50 really? Thats what they cost from taito and new leather made.
I really don't know what to price them for. Every time I ask nobody wants to give a number. Haven't really followed stool prices, these are just easy to add to the container.
wow $50 really? Thats what they cost from taito and new leather made.
But you can't just order 1 from Taito. Think you need to order a minimum of 5. Plus bank wire transfer fees, plus shipping. It adds up.
Personally I have no problem paying $50 for a somewhat hard to find stool being brought to me from across the entire pacific ocean
wow $50 really? Thats what they cost from taito and new leather made.
Except you need to order like 10 in order for taito to even respond to you. Then you got shipping fees ect.... I would prefer paying 50 dollars than 400 directly from Taito
Taito stools need to be ordered in lots of 5, after shipping and import fees it works out to about $150 per stool to your door (in the USA). Source: I own 4 of them. These are brand new comfy and covered in a durable imitation leather and worth every penny IMO.

Given that, I'd say $50 for per used Sega stool already stateside is a more than fair price. I looked for these things for years and given the opportunity I would have gladly paid $50 per stool plus domestic shipping.
Taito stools need to be ordered in lots of 5, after shipping and import fees it works out to about $150 per stool to your door (in the USA). Source: I own 4 of them. These are brand new comfy and covered in a durable imitation leather and worth every penny IMO.

Given that, I'd say $50 for per used Sega stool already stateside is a more than fair price. I looked for these things for years and given the opportunity I would have gladly paid $50 per stool plus domestic shipping.
^THAT^ I have 2 of the vewlix height Tatio stools $150 ea. I need 6 more, but looks like I will end up ordering 8 since they only sell them is sets of 4.
I need 6 more, but looks like I will end up ordering 8 since they only sell them is sets of 4.
I might be interested in the other 2. I'mma need some stools once I get my Viewlix since the 4 I've got now are CRT cab height.
I need 6 more, but looks like I will end up ordering 8 since they only sell them is sets of 4.
I might be interested in the other 2. I'mma need some stools once I get my Viewlix since the 4 I've got now are CRT cab height.
Sure thing, if you want, I can place an order?! I need to get some more stuff from them. But the Prices/Shipping :( ||
I’d be interested in 2 Vewlix height stools...
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