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Grand Master
May 5, 2016
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Mildura, Australia
Gundam Extreme VS 2 is coming to arcades. I assume that it will be PS4 based, meaning that a lot of Gundam Extreme setups (Sys3xx) will become available (and hopefully more affordable). Given this, let's start gathering some info.

My initial googling around has indicated that Namco have been doing some wtf things. Accounts that lock you out, card readers and cameras and so on.

Information seems to be scattered all over the place. Personally I want one day to be able to have a Gundam Extreme VS Maxi On LAN party, but that's a long way off. The other big title on the system would be Tekken 6/ Tag Team Tournament

Some limited info here: https://assemblergames.com/threads/namco-system-359.51712/
Looks very tied down!
Serious necro bump on that thread at the end lol.
What are these namco setups worth? I've recently bought a noir cabinet and was offered Tekken 6 for $600, Tekken 6 BR $700 or Tekken Tag 2 for $1500.

Perhaps i'm not really appreciating it but that seems a lot for what as I understand is effectively a slightly more custom PS3 in a cab of games which all had ports to the PS3?
I've sold two Tekken Tag 2 Unlimited systems for $600. System 369 is a more reliable system but you don't see them often. System 357s tend to fail often though I think good preventative maintenance can get you a good life out of them.

I see known working Tekken 6 and Tekken 6: BR sets sell for $450-ish. Though you can buy systems untested missing the dongles for around $150. I have a replacement dongle solution for T6BR at least already.
hmm $600US for TT2 eh eh thats still massively cheaper than the $1500 Australian (over $1000 US)
Is there a solution to the needing the special router and an account constant VPN and all that garbage? One day I want a Gundam Maxi Boost On 4p setup...
I've sold two Tekken Tag 2 Unlimited systems for $600. System 369 is a more reliable system but you don't see them often. System 357s tend to fail often though I think good preventative maintenance can get you a good life out of them.

I see known working Tekken 6 and Tekken 6: BR sets sell for $450-ish. Though you can buy systems untested missing the dongles for around $150. I have a replacement dongle solution for T6BR at least already.
Just picked up a 357 and a T6 dongle + HDD, still need to test it.
But which preventive maintenance you mean? Clean out fans, fresh termal paste etc?
... One day I want a Gundam Maxi Boost On 4p setup...
Preach it brother...I'd even settle for an off-line 4p linkup PS3 setup. From what I hear, most 357/69 software still requires to be online to authorize<?> through the Namco servers. I'm sure it'll be hacked but it might be til after Versus 4 gets released :)
Just picked up a 357 and a T6 dongle + HDD, still need to test it.
But which preventive maintenance you mean? Clean out fans, fresh termal paste etc?
Exactly. Same as with an original PS3.
... One day I want a Gundam Maxi Boost On 4p setup...
Preach it brother...I'd even settle for an off-line 4p linkup PS3 setup. From what I hear, most 357/69 software still requires to be online to authorize<?> through the Namco servers. I'm sure it'll be hacked but it might be til after Versus 4 gets released :)
I've got a 4p PS3 setup, game is played via LAN but you need to make a room online, it's almost system link. One day when they shutdown PS3 online this wont work anymore!

Yes, the problem with at least the Gundam games (don't know about the Tekkens) on this platform is needing to be online through some special router AND having an account where they essentially allow you to have say 10k credits, when you reach that limit you have to buy more. Absolutely ridiculous, definitely need a hack there!
Btw does anyone know if and how a 357 can run in 31KHz?
Or is it fixed at 720p or something?

As predicted, System 357s with Gundam Maxi Boost On are starting to appear on YAJ, I tried to snipe one but it went over the available funds I have at the moment. I'd be happy to contribute to someone getting it who knows how to dump it so we can preserve and be able to play some day in the future. They are currently going for around $300USD.

The new Gundam Versus game that replaced this runs on ES3, basically a PC. But anyway, System 357/369 is now obsolete as all the major games (with limited exceptions) have sequels on newer hardware. If you do see an arcade cab running system 3xx in the wild I bet you also see no one playing it and the arcade operator just has nothing better to put in the cab.

I'd like to reiterate that Gundam Maxi Boost On DOES NOT and WONT HAVE a port...
I got one of these System 357 Gundam Maxi Boost On systems on the way, supposedly has the dongle. I have no idea if this can be dumped, or if its playable.
We might have been going for the same one :)

It wont be playable until it's dumped and the network stuff is patched out. It's meant to be a 4 player game over a network, but there's various shenanigans. The sooner you find someone who can dump properly the sooner step one is done :)
I was also watching the same 357 I think... but decided no as i've bought way too much 'stuff' off YAJ recently it's not even funny
Probably not the same, I bought over a month ago, but just got it shipped :)
Any update on the System 357 with Gundam Versus Maxi Boost On? I'm very tempted to get one too but useless if I cannot even play it offline.... Thanks!
The one person I was pointed to about work on this hardware didn't seem interested in sharing what he had to help get things working, so my eyes are out for someone too. Really want to get my Dragonball Zenkais working too. I've been starting to get the Maxi Boost cabs offered to me too and also have a pretty solid interest! Will post if I find anything