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I've updated the progress bar to work on Safari if you'd like to test? If you grab these 3 files from my github at https://github.com/chunksin/WiPiNetbooter/tree/master/var/www/html and copy them to the /var/www/html folder that should work. It keeps the original load page method for Chrome and uses a different one, essentially a real time refresh, for other browsers.

I've updated the progress bar to work on Safari if you'd like to test? If you grab these 3 files from my github at https://github.com/chunksin/WiPiNetbooter/tree/master/var/www/html and copy them to the /var/www/html folder that should work. It keeps the original load page method for Chrome and uses a different one, essentially a real time refresh, for other browsers.

Works great! Thank you sir.

Great, thanks for testing, I'll update the main image with the changes today

Edit: the image has been updated so will now work with all devices again! thanks for making me aware and testing the fix :thumbsup:
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Quick question to you all.. Is the card reader connection on the Triforce J3 and is it a 8-pin connection? I'm at work shopping for parts and don't have my triforce to check on..
for OpenJVS - what adapter is needed? And, how/where/what is the OpenJVS HAT?

Thanks @Mrhide - I just added myself to the "i want one" list... Just pulled my Naomi2 out of storage. With Chunskin's new wifinetbooter that supports NFC card readers, pretty excited to get this going! I just ordered a Sidewinder FFB Wheel - so all I really need now is the hat and I can get this all wired up and working!
Trying to get the card reader to work on my Naomi2. It looks like CN8 is RS422.

I have the Ver1 of the Trendnet RU-S9 (used successfully with my Chihiro for the card reader software).


Running the idemu command from the command line, it creates the card, and then no lines after that.

ID errors out on Card initialize.

I am seeing some chatter on google about needing to flip a DIP switch on the Naomi2 to enable RS232, but nothing definitive so far. Help?


It's the jumpers, set them as below:


  • IMG_20210930_201333236~2.jpg
    298.2 KB · Views: 86
Looks like mine are set exactly like yours.

I have RX/TX on pins 1 and 2 (which are on the right of the connector) and pin 6 as GND - coming from a breakout box on the serial cable.

Do I have to wire up RTS/CTS as well? On my Chihiro it was just these 3 wires (RX, TX, GND).



  • IMG-4143.jpg
    319.9 KB · Views: 58
CTS and RTS were it, once I hooked them up, all good!

Now I just need to get a wheel/controller going so I can play with this more...

I've just upgraded my image to the v6 aio and I can't for the life of me get the net dimm to get detected.

IP address on the Naomi is (also tried 3) but same result. Net mask is



I've tried to manually add it and it still gives me "offline".

I'm using a rpi 3b+ with a Naomi 1 with a 64gb card. A normal network cable.

This setup worked perfectly fine with the previous version (I think v3 or v4).

Any suggestions?

Edit: after trying again the net dimm has now been found. Was able to load marvel relatively easy

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Ok - I've got two issues, not sure if they are inter-related.

1) I made the OpenJVS usb->RS485 cable and plugged that into my Rpi. I plugged in my 8bitdo SN30 controller and configured that via the utility. This all worked well, and I fired up the Naomi2, load up Initial D - it boots! After a bit of time (~5 minutes) the lights on the RS485 stick go out, and the game freezes. Regardless if I play a game first, it always freezes at about 5 minutes - anyone have this issue? I am not sure where to see the logs for OpenJVS to see if there is any clue there.

2) When I start a game in Initial D, I say that I don't have a card (start) and then add a credit and "purchase the card". I select my car, do all that normal stuff, then enter my name. I race, win and then say "no" to wanting to continue. This then "ejects" the card and it goes back to the title screen, demo mode and the RS485 stick crashes a bit after that. The problem is that when I go to Card Data Management and pick Initial D, it does show a card there but "ORPHAN and "NO CAR DATA". Not sure what is wrong here either. Any hints?

Which version of Initial D are you running? JP or Export? only Export versions are currently supported. I've not had any issues with losing OpenJVS after 5 minutes, I wonder if it's crashing in the background? You could check OpenJVS is still running using 'ps -ax | grep openjvs' - you can also run openjvs from the command line using 'sudo openjvs initial-d' and it outputs to the console so might give you an idea of what is going wrong.

You can get a log for the card emulator by putting it into manual mode in the options menu, logging in as root and running 'python3 /sbin/piforce/card_emulator/idcardemu.py -cp /dev/ttyUSB0 -m idas' if you're running the original game (-m id2 or -m id3 for the others), look for issues after the card ejection. The only thing I can think of would be a driver name or car name that it can't handle, easy to test this, just pick AAA as your name and Nissan Sileighty as your car, don't drive anywhere and let the timer run out and see if a card print is generated properly.

If you give me the name and car you used and I can test it on my end too.
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Regardless if I play a game first, it always freezes at about 5 minutes - anyone have this issue?
I believe I might know this one. It's a problem with the Multibios. Once it replays your game in attract mode, it freezes. If you use a US bios, this won't happen. It only happens with Initial D Ver. 3.
only Export versions are currently supported.
btw, I tried loading Initial D Export and Initial D 3 Export and still got

"i/o bd is not connected to naomi bd"
However, I was able to play both Crazy Taxi, Jambo Safari AND Club Kart (Naomi 2) just fine.

I'm using the US bios.

The JVS test screens confirm Crazy Taxi and Jambo Safari work. I can see the analog move.

With the Initial D Export, the test screen says


Using v6 AIO image from your google download.
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Are you using a physical IO board or OpenJVS? Sorry, I'm not sure what you're demonstrating here, that the v6 image somehow doesn't seem to work with Initial D games? I've used a type B Sega JVS to Jamma adaptor and OpenJVS and both work fine, I wonder if maybe it's an issue with the revision of your IO board? If you're not using OpenJVS, all the Pi does is netboot the game, it has no bearing on IO detection.
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