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Paypal won't hold money in a F&F dispute. If there is a fraud case opened, they'll resolve it through charges for either party based on the situation, but Paypal goes out of their way not to retain money in F&F transactions.

Someone has the money here, and it isn't hard to provide the evidence to confirm who it is. Anyone trying to complicate things beyond that is playing games.
I think most of us are confused here. If you have somebody's $1,800 and the cab that you were going to sell them. How exactly are you being scammed??
Pretty sure the gist of how things went is:

Tony buys cab from Arcade Game.

Tony tries to get refund, uses a chargeback.

This causes a long and messy time of PayPal and the bank hashing things out.

OP steps in and says "Hey, I'll take the cab."

Bob pays Tony for the cab.

At some point the dispute/chargeback tries to get canceled which further pushes out the timeline.

PayPal ends the dispute in Arcade Game's favor (that's what the screenshots show).

So Arcade Game has Tony's money from the original transaction, Arcade Game has the cabinet, Tony has Bob's money from Bob buying the cab in lieu of him, and Bob has nothing.

That seems to be the rough how-it-went according to everyone's posts?
Pretty sure the gist of how things went is:

Tony buys cab from Arcade Game.

Tony tries to get refund, uses a chargeback.

This causes a long and messy time of PayPal and the bank hashing things out.

OP steps in and says "Hey, I'll take the cab."

Bob pays Tony for the cab.

At some point the dispute/chargeback tries to get canceled which further pushes out the timeline.

PayPal ends the dispute in Arcade Game's favor (that's what the screenshots show).

So Arcade Game has Tony's money from the original transaction, Arcade Game has the cabinet, Tony has Bob's money from Bob buying the cab in lieu of him, and Bob has nothing.

That seems to be the rough how-it-went according to everyone's posts?
This is 100% how it went.

I have offered to refund Bob in full.
How about I give bob 1800 and take cab from Omar, then if Tony files dispute again I will pay Omar 1800 as well. Worst case I just paid 3600 for an infamous aero?
I talked to paypal a couple days ago and they advised me to just ignore tony

I was afraid to send the cab and after he will receive the cab he will file a claim again

Like he did 2 different times already
If that is the case, then can you please post the picture out of PayPal that shows that you lost the dispute and that Tony has the money? Because the story does not match the picture we have seen from PayPal.
Hello people
I know Omar for 2 years and we are very close. We talk maybe everyday on messenger. He sent to me many staff to reproduce or we work on some projects together.

I can tell you, Omar is not a person to scam someone. We talked about this problem 2 month ago i beleive. He already told me what happened.

I talked with him now and he says , he never got the funds. There is a big confusing in this situation but I'm sure Omar is not a scammer .

I'm sure we will figure out what's going on. But i know Tony did some mistakes too. He already did same thing 3 years ago. He bought something and he opened a claim. That's why Omar is very angry to him
Hello people
I know Omar for 2 years and we are very close. We talk maybe everyday on messenger. He sent to me many staff to reproduce or we work on some projects together.

I can tell you, Omar is not a person to scam someone. We talked about this problem 2 month ago i beleive. He already told me what happened.

I talked with him now and he says , he never got the funds. There is a big confusing in this situation but I'm sure Omar is not a scammer .

I'm sure we will figure out what's going on. But i know Tony did some mistakes too. He already did same thing 3 years ago. He bought something and he opened a claim. That's why Omar is very angry to him
To who? Omar can be mad at me all he wants, it doesn't condone his behavior on stealing $1800 from someone.
Okay, so I pay bob 1800 and buy cab from omar for 1800, then either tony or omar pays me back 1800 if paypal finds the money in a year?
From an outside opinion looking at all this without getting dramatic or throwing ppl to the sharks. Here is what I see:

It seems like Bob paid Tony for goods not in his possession because he was trying to help out his friend. Tony really should make things right with Bob first. Then settle the matter with Omar.

We all make mistakes here folks. In the end you gotta do what's right. But I feel Bob shouldn't be stuck in the middle like this.
Omar has thus far not provided anything concrete.
Omar also has screwed at least 3 other people that I personally know on cabs.

EDIT: I would like to retract the above statement, I got Omar confused with another similarly named individual. My apologies.

At this time it seems pretty cut and dry that Omar is in the wrong.

That said, the intermediary payment stuff always makes things messy.
IMO, tony should make it right with Bob, then Tony and Omar should hash it out, since that's the problem payment
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I will make a proper post today i have to gather all my screenshots together
But i have been waiting almost 5 months and tony did nothing,till maybe now and he is trying to flip this on me
i even called him out on social media and about 4 people claim that tony did that to them as well and and I told several members here including

But this was today at 6:15am and still negative


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I will make a proper post today i have to gather all my screenshots together
But i have been waiting almost 5 months and tony did nothing,till maybe now and he is trying to flip this on me
i even called him out on social media and about 4 people claim that tony did that to them as well and and I told several members here including

But this was today at 6:15am and still negative
This doesn't show anything. Post screenshots of the original transaction and of resolution center. Quit stalling and talking crap.
@Arcade game no matter what you post or I post, the fact of the matter is you have $1800 and the cabinet in your possession.
Just like i told you on discord and other places
Even if paypal gives me back the refund
I refuse to make a deal with you after all your shit you did to me ,and threatened me different times
Claiming you had anxiety and mental problems
and i was prepared and told paypal that a couple days ago and they advised me to ignore you
And if you had a issue contact them
And you’re definitely not getting scammed in any way
If anything i’m the one that was waiting almost 5 months

The way you acted with me is not normal a normal person
I will make a proper post today i have to gather all my screenshots together
But i have been waiting almost 5 months and tony did nothing,till maybe now and he is trying to flip this on me
i even called him out on social media and about 4 people claim that tony did that to them as well and and I told several members here including

But this was today at 6:15am and still negative
This is a screencap from my phone of an image you shared from back in May time stamped... this is the same image you shared... same rewards amount, same time, same battery level...


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