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The first post has flash.zip attached which contains flash.img. I can't see a .bin or hex which the original update instructions say to use though unless I'm missing something? Can the flash.img be simply renamed or...?
bin or hex was used when you wanted to update the firmware using a Discovery Programmer. Now updates are done by just copying a file inside the microsd. The file must be calles flash.img. After a succesful update, the file will be deleted from the microSD.
@Darksoft I have a multi from the very first run. I when you first released the first auto-reset firmware I used the Discovery programmer to update to this firmware and my board auto-resets.

As far as I'm aware, the first released firmware update did not allow for updates from the MicroSD. I tried putting the flash.img on a freshly formatted card last night but this did not update the multi as the file was still on MicroSD when I removed it a few minutes later.

Correct me if I'm wrong but I think I need a .bin or hex firmware to update the firmware to a revision that at least allows me to update from MicroSD?
Thanks @Darksoft

I seem to be having a little trouble getting the new firmware to work. These are the steps I've taken.

1) Extracted the flash.img file from the flash.zip archive attached to page one of the post and renamed it to flash.bin.
2) Flashed the firmware using the Discovery board. Looked to flash ok, see picture below.
3) Installed the clock/data/setup1/setup2 wires. Removed my old reset wires
4) Formatted SD card using Windows. Copied over games folder containing the keyed game folders.

I've plugged everything in and I get a solid red screen and the LCD shows solid blocks. I've tried another SD card and I've also tried shorting EXC5. Same result.

To check my multi etc is still working ok I flashed the old PFG____0002.bin firmware back using the discovery, copied the older games back onto the microSD and plugged everything back in again (except for the clock/data/setup1/setup2 wires) and the board works fine with the older firmware.

I repeated the original steps and flashed the 'flash.bin' firmware, connected everything back up again (including the clock/data/setup1/setup2 wires) and I get the same result - solid red screen and the LCD shows solid blocks.

So the Multi seems to be ok and my flashing process seems to be ok but something doesn't seem to be working with the new firmware.

Any ideas?

Here's some photos of my setup/wiring:






I don't have any ideas to help you, but I just wanted to say your work is always so clean! :thumbsup:
@FrancoB now that you mention it, the file that you need to update is the bootloader only. After that you can do a firmware update with the microsd.

Sorry it's been too long since I last did it.
I don't have any ideas to help you, but I just wanted to say your work is always so clean! :thumbsup:
Cheers dude. One tries :)

@FrancoB now that you mention it, the file that you need to update is the bootloader only. After that you can do a firmware update with the microsd.

Sorry it's been too long since I last did it.
Thanks @Darksoft. How do I go about uploading the bootloader only?
I've done a little more digging and there looked to be a thread linked to in [this] post with some information but the link doesn't seem to work...
I've done a little more digging and there looked to be a thread linked to in [this] post with some information but the link doesn't seem to work...
The file you need is in this rar. Ignore the flash file. It is an old version.



  • CPS2_Firmware_Improved_microSD_bootloader.zip
    59.4 KB · Views: 255
@FrancoB that install looks clean man, makes mine look like crap... ;)
Anyway, thanks for the pics, got some good ideas from it for future work!
Thanks. I don't find trying to make things neat much more effort than not. It tends to look nicer and if things are tidy then there's less chance of wires getting caught etc.

Feel free to steal away. I got the idea for a mult pin connector on the C connector from @fredjss :)

I've done a little more digging and there looked to be a thread linked to in [this] post with some information but the link doesn't seem to work...
The file you need is in this rar. Ignore the flash file. It is an old version.
Thanks very much Mitsu! I presume you update the boot loader with the Discovery board in the same way that you update the firmware?

My multi currently has the non-working/booting 'flash.bin' firmware. I'm guessing I should do the following:
  • Flash the PFG____0002.bin (old auto-reset firmware) back to the multi using the Discovery board so I have a working board again
  • Flash the sd_bootloader.bin file to the multi using the Discovery board.
  • Put the flash.img file (from the OP) on a microSD card and update the firmware to key writing.
  • Profit?
I'll not connect the clock/data/setup1/setup2 connector until the above is done.

Thanks for the continued help.
No need to install the working fw first. Just install the bootloader and then place the new fw file on the sd card and reboot.
I think this has been answered before and it's hard to dig through such a large thread, but how do you play decrypted/hacked roms with the CPS2 multi? Just put the roms in the game folder and set the key to #fffffffffffff?

I think this has been answered before and it's hard to dig through such a large thread, but how do you play decrypted/hacked roms with the CPS2 multi? Just put the roms in the game folder and set the key to #fffffffffffff?

Just add the empty key from the start post :)