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Aug 28, 2018
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I had a few Sega System 18 rom boards that I wanted to better protect. Came up with a case design that fits both the short and long rom boards.




Let me know if I can improve the design.

You can get the files here:
This looks really good, the design seems like something that could have been from the factory. Made me double take.
Nice ! thank you for sharing!
couple of questions:
The multi is what? short right? (looks even shorter than that! 6 5/8 inches x 5 1/2 inches) and for the multi, a hole to be able to rotate the game selector would be appreciated
Which printer do you have / how did you print it? standing up?

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I should get the multi from a friend on Saturday to adapt the enclosure, so there will be an update for that soon. I was thinking about a knob that goes on the selector. This way you could put a label on the case with the game names based on the position of the knob.

My printer is an Bambu Lab X1C. was printing it with the flat side down. So the top part has to be flipped. The texture on the print comes from the textured print plate.
Thinking about it, I could make the case for the short board shorter. This way it will fit on smaller print beds. Same for the case for the multi.
Thinking about it, I could make the case for the short board shorter. This way it will fit on smaller print beds. Same for the case for the multi.
That is exactly what I had in mind :)
Thank you ! I'll stop trying to badly cut it in thinker cad and let you do it!

Looks like it's going to work

but they were not kidding on this side! 220mm!

Will post when finished! thank you again!
Here are the results with a couple of constructive observations:


There could still be space to be shaved on both sides, probably 10mm, so it is shorter than the main board below :
(inserting the picture below and seeing the holes, I understand why it extends there...but posts there are not really required)


yes... there is a curve in my printing :(

8th hole from the right could be enlarged for the rotating selector: (and yes, a curve, a lack of adhesion there, again, I'm an amateur with such big parts, sorry!) :


Also, there is nothing holding the board inside... so when you try to insert it into the mainboard, you have to press through the holes to be able to snap it in place. Since you only do this once, it's really not a big deal.

Thank you again for adjusting the size for the multi!

Guess all that's needed now is a nice multi sticker; My art skills sucks so I'll wait for a kind soul to make one!
Thank you for checking. The adjustments were for an original short rom board. It is pure luck that the multi fits at all. Once I get the multi I will make a dedicated design for it with proper cutouts for the selector. Also agree, the shell will be even shorter.
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Ooohh!! Can we please have that sticker? Pleeeease?
Sure, I cut them on my Silhouette. The design itself is in Corel Draw. So I have that plus the exported image itself. Can also print/cut a bunch and send out.
I was just using the main games for the label. Did another one will the full list. Also added them to the printables page.
Sega System 18 Multi Label.png
Sega System 18 Multi Label Full.png
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