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Apr 13, 2016
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I saw a really nice solution to housing Fluffy's boards in another thread maybe we can start consolidating solutions here?
I've included one solution I've been working on, it does require some lengthy prints. I used an ultimaker 3 that I have access to for making my parts.

This case is printed in 3 parts and I tried to mimic the stock PGM shell as much as possible. In the screw posts I tapped them for m3 threads after printing.

I probably won't make any more changes to the files since I screwed together a pair that I was happy with last night. I've thought about adding a cutout for a switch install or to make getting to the jumpers easier but it's not something I see myself doing soon.

There are 4 different versions of the "top". Three of them have recessed text, nothing fancy, to indicate what game they are. The 4th "pgmTop.stl" is blank with no text. So far I've printed out the Ketsui set and was happy with it, all the other tops should be the same aside from the text but I have not personally had the time to print them all yet.

enjoy :D
View attachment PGMshell.zip



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How much all up to print them?? I presume its more expensive than just buying a cheap game for its case??

How much all up to print them?? I presume its more expensive than just buying a cheap game for its case??

I just searched around online and the few places I checked it was around $25 for just the bottom piece. That didn't include shipping.

Ideally we need a way to source repro cases so we don't have to sacrifice official cases, but yes it seems it's still cheaper to buy one of the lesser sought after PGM game for it's case.

If anyone can find a seller that sells these for dirt cheap let us know. I am curious how much it costed @snakeGrave in plastic?
the bottom and top took about 9 hours a piece, not really sure of the cost for the plastic since I just have unfettered access to these printer in a makerspace
not really sure of the cost for the plastic since I just have unfettered access to these printer in a makerspace
What do they weigh? Cost is easy to calculate off weight. 1kg PLA spool is around $20 give or take, cheaper if you cheap out, more if you get quality. IME you get what you pay for.
i'd still be keen to try some...They look really good. Are you thinking of shareing the files so others can get them made??

OPPS... Misted that.. i think i know some one with a 3d printer....

Have to ask....

not really sure of the cost for the plastic since I just have unfettered access to these printer in a makerspace
What do they weigh? Cost is easy to calculate off weight. 1kg PLA spool is around $20 give or take, cheaper if you cheap out, more if you get quality. IME you get what you pay for.
I'll throw these on a postage scale and let you guys know
with an 80% fill factor the large pieces are about 100 grams a each. The small spacer is around 6 grams.

1 kg of PLA filament is $30-$40?
80% infill is way overkill. There's probably no reason to go over 20%. You'll get a perfectly strong result with that, using less material and print time.
what head type and length screw did you use?
I see the M3 size
If I had to guess I'd say they were 10 mm in length or so. The shorter the better IMO because I've ended up snapping the screw posts in some of these as I've tightened the screws down. In the last set I printed I'm holding the halves together with tape because of this.

The threaded holes in this print are a bit too small and I should probably redo them.
are there places online that print stuff for ya? i dont mind paying 50 for a shell since itll look nice no scratch's wont sacrifice an original. I was one of the first batchs from fluffy and iv been waiting on shells.
are there places online that print stuff for ya? i dont mind paying 50 for a shell since itll look nice no scratch's wont sacrifice an original. I was one of the first batchs from fluffy and iv been waiting on shells.
every place I checked online was ridiculously expensive for 3d printed shells. I too wanted red shells printed from snake graves design. Sacrificing real carts hurts.