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Multi Boyz Overlord
Multi Boyz
May 20, 2016
Reaction score
Brisbane, Australia
by: @djsheep

I finally grabbed a set of Forgotten Worlds spinners from @axunworks outta China. When I went to purchase, I noticed there were two options, a standalone spinner and one mounted on top of a genuine OBSF-30 Sanwa button. I couldn't really make up my mind so I requested a special order with one of each. @Axun obliged and I patiently waited. My package came extremely well packed and in a timely fashion after dispatch, as always with Axunworks products.


The Axunworks Forgotten Worlds Spinners in a nice Custom Baggie

First impressions, the build quality is very on point, a heavy duty wrapped cable which feels extremely sturdy and tough. The spinners were surprisingly heavy. I actually thought they were plastic from the photos on the website but they're a nice metal with a matte finish and some substantial weight to them. They feel really nice in the hands and are of premium quality.

I am testing these with the aje_fr v3 CPS-1 Multi. There's no doubt these spinners work with original hardware as intended. I will outline the setup process below.

First thing I did was detach the two individual JST connectors holding the spinners from the main cable and put them aside. After connecting the main cable to the CPS-1 stack at the 16-pin JST header I routed the cable up to my control panel.


Spinners connected to the ajr_fr CPS-1 Multi via the standard CPS-1 16-pin header


JST connector ends to connect the P1 + P2 Spinners


The two individual Spinners disconneced from main harness.

At the control panel, I removed Button 1 from both P1 and P2 sides. Next I connected the spinner for Player 1 to B1. It's standard push plug that mounts nice and snug. Being that this was the spinner with no button and deciding that I would like to use B2 for fire, I simply put the plugs originally on B1 onto B2.


Button mounted onto the panel and connected to the main cable


Player 1, set and done!

Similar process for Player 2, I mounted the spinner on the panel but I just had to connect the two wires from B1 to the button now mounted underneath the spinner. After connecting both spinners to my panel, I re-connected the two JST connectors to the main cable.


Player 2, ready to roll!

With everything setup and my CPS-1 Multi mounted and voltages checked, I loaded up Forgotten Worlds. The aje_fr multi gives you an option to use B5/6 or a "Real Spinner" and I was finally able to try the latter :)


Use "Real Spinner", god damn, yes please!

Fired up the Astro city, and BOOM! we have action. I gotta say that it feels great to be finally using a spinner/stick combo for this game. I was worried the timing or feel wouldn't be right on the spinner, but it is PERFECT. Feels very easy and enjoyable to play and the incremental movement/spinning of the player is exactly the way you would expect. Very stoked to have this method of play finally.

I like both spinner options for different reasons. I tried using both B4 and B2 for fire using the Spinner without a button. Both options feel great with B2 feeling more natural to me. With this configuration I would use one hand on the stick, index finger on the spinner and middle finger on the button. Using B4, I would have my thumb on the button and use my index finger for the spinner. It's awesome to have choices that are configurable on the fly by simply re-routing the B1 wiring on your panel. The little finger dimple to hold the spinner is comfortable and is easy control with no slip. It's also simple to reposition your finger during gameplay.

The spinner with the button is equally as great too. With this option, I tried using just my index finger pressing down but I couldn't get the hang of it. Then I tried using it like a dial just the original Capcom spinners and it felt great. I can't fault either option really, they both do their job fantastically and you won't be disappointed whichever route you choose. I gotta say I liked using a seperate button ever so slightly more. I felt more in control and managed to get a better run of the game.


Alberto panel looks extra pimped out with Spinners!

FINAL THOUGHTS: For the price, you can't really go wrong. The cable's well built and of a very decent length. The spinners are weighty with a really nice feel and finish. These spinners work, they play Forgotten Worlds perfectly. Axun has once again crafted an affordable, yet high quality product for the niche arcade market. It's that little bit extra awesome for the simple fact that it's mountable into any standard control panel or adaptable straight into a custom arcade stick, etc. These spinners come with my highest recommendation, I really can't fault them and once again, the price is right.

Perhaps some customer configurable options:
Perhaps a combo package of 1 of each (button/no button)?
A choice of colours of buttons / plugs to match the customers panel colour scheme?
A choice to have a pair of matching spinner colours?


This is going to bring hours of fun, and breathe new life into an old classic for me!

SPINNERS WITHOUT BUTTONS: https://www.axunworks.com/product-p669531.html?variant=4500970
SPINNERS WITH BUTTONS: https://www.axunworks.com/product-p669531.html?variant=4500971
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Good review.

[I'm editing this post in the spirit of positivity. New thoughts follow:]

While I'm sure the Hursit-led FW spinner project is going to create a higher quality product than this, there's also no doubt it will be more expensive, and probably also be a higher effort investment in terms of time and dedicated panels etc. More for the hardcore FW fans.

I am admittedly not a hardcore FW fan.

Have a more affordable option that's easier to drop into an existing setup is a good thing. Having options is a good thing. I don't know that I'm interested in buying this, but I do appreciate DJ Sheep taking the time to review for all of us. That's what makes this community great, people coming together and supporting each other.
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Thank @djsheep for the great thread.

I like this idea. With the original spinner, you're pretty much making the control panel dedicated for FW due to size and also mounting points.

This solution makes it possible to share space or swap a button for the spinner. I could see a setup where you have 3 buttons and a spinner. You could hook up both button 1 & the spinner to the same input and be able to use both. In this setup, I don't think you'd want to do a SF 6 button setup. This is kinda the way I was thinking I would do my CPS-1 Multi. Otherwise the CP would be really cluttered.

@axunworks I'd like to see a version with a threaded ring (happ style button) vs the tabbed candy style tabbed button. This would make wood control panels possible and be more stable.
@duffcon — 3 button + spinner panel would be cool if you’re not a fighting game person. Agreed for the screw buttons over push in. I’m worried these will get loose after mounting them a lot.

After spending more time with these, I definitely prefer using the standalone / separate button over the push button. It’s less of a chore not having to hold down the button IMO and my score is always better.

I like the look of the original Capcom spinners, even the repros are an amazing feat (props to @hursit). But me, personally, Forgotton Worlds isn’t the kind of game I’m ever going to play a lot. It’s fun, but just for the odd game here and there.
Definitely going to get a pair of these and put them in the 7th button spot on my vewlix. Though, has there been an adapter made for the F3 yet?
Do it. They work fine with the spinner adapter and the multi too. Still think the setup with the external button is best on these. But maybe get a set like I did, one of each.

I’ve been working with @alberto1225 on a panel for these… so sooner or later that’ll see the light of day.
I like them as I planned to install one in a cab and the other in a spare namco for the supergun. Depth looks ideal.
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Yep! Connected to one harness ready to plug and play. Just choose the correct type when ordering. Button separate or button under spinner.
Reading your review and trying to imagine how I would use the spinner without the button effectively. Just seems like it would be less precise than using two fingers on the spinner. Leaning towards one with button at the moment.

This is the only thing holding me back from ordering at the moment.