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Aug 27, 2020
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Hello All,l recently acquired a HGN 64 fighting board ,l am uncertain of the wattage needed for the power supply. l have a 133 watt power supply in my cps 1, 2,3 and neogeo 1 slot which work with no issues. Also l have a 150watt supply in my neogeo mv4. I think with the l/O board in the HNG64 will draw more power than the 133w can provide.
My questions are,

What wattage is the best for the HNG64?

Will a 150watt supply be good enough for the HNG64?

Thanks for your attention
I've used mine with a 131-watt Meanwell RT-125A and a Minigun with no issues. According to the manual, the 5V requires 10A, 12V needs 1A, and -5V needs 1A.
I've used mine with a 131-watt Meanwell RT-125A and a Minigun with no issues. According to the manual, the 5V requires 10A, 12V needs 1A, and -5V needs 1A.
Hey,thanks for the response, l did wire up my 133 watt power supply, https://www.amazon.com/gp/aw/d/B07F1D1Q64?psc=1&ref=ppx_pop_mob_b_asin_title
The game boots up with no problems, but when l coin up, and press buttons during gameplay,the game goes blank
Also, I have a gbs 8200 rgb to vga adapter installed, I get the "no signal" text from the adapter when the game goes blank
The other variable is that l have a 180 watt Amp hooked up via the stereo molex connector not the -5 connection for audio.
l did test the 133 watt supply and vga adapter on other boards,(igs pgm,cps1,2,3)they work with no issues.

Do you think the Amp combined with the l/O board is causing the extra power draw and the game cuts off due to low wattage?

Should l ditch the stereo Amp and go mono via the -5v connection to lower the power draw on the power supply?

I had a thought, l could try hooking up the board to the 150watt supply on my neogeo mv4 cab Would it work?

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Have you tried measuring voltages? Specifically +5V?
Does the game crash or does it keep playing blind? Hyper 64 is 480i so I wonder if the scaler doesn't like it.

But definitely monitor the 5v and see if it dips when the crash happens.

Are you saying you're powering the audio amp with the same power supply? Is it 5v or 12v?

A pic of your setup might help.
Does the game crash or does it keep playing blind? Hyper 64 is 480i so I wonder if the scaler doesn't like it.

But definitely monitor the 5v and see if it dips when the crash happens.

Are you saying you're powering the audio amp with the same power supply? Is it 5v or 12v?

A pic of your setup might help
Hello not sonic, thanks for the response, your questions got me rfocusing on the power supply and the rgb /vga adapter

I tested the +5 and and readings were +5
I fired up the HNG64 again and saw that the video was cutting on and off, not crashing.
Was definitely a adapter issue.

I checked the adapter settings,it was 800 x 600 res. (I recall it was set to 640 x 480 not 800 x 600) l reset it to 480 and the video stopped cutting out! I let it run in demo for a half hour and played a few rounds and no issues!

Thanks for your help! you made me recheck the video settings.l didn't make sure the settings was 480.
I figured l missed that due being at this all day wiring up the cab, fatigue,30+ degree weather,high humidity too.

Thanks so much and season greetings to you!
Also tDRg and nem thanks for the help and season greetings!