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Jan 6, 2024
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I've got a pvm and a bvm, both Sony. The PVM syncs up with whatever I throw at it. The BVM is difficult with a couple.
I'm connecting the HAS v4.2 to the BVM with the 8 pin mini DIN to EuroSCART to female RGBS to 4x BNC adapter to BVM-129X and I can see a rolling screen from CPS2 and CPS3.
This setup does work with Analog NT mini, playstation, and gamecube with appropriate RGBS SCART cables.

I've tried using the HD15 cable to SCART, all 3 CSYNC settings, TTL, and the LPF.
I've confirmed the pinout is correct on the cable and tried the maintenance menu on the BVM. I have the other 129X with the HD15 and SCART socket, tried those as well.
I always get the rolling image that won't sync.
I've read the BVM and 129X can be finicky with the sync signal it wants but wanted to ask for help here to see if anyone has the same setup and has figured out how to get this combo to work.

thank you for your time,

I recall I had a similar issue with CPS2 on my BVM, but got it working by toggling a VTR setting or something like that. I'll dig out my setup and test it out.
I recall I had a similar issue with CPS2 on my BVM, but got it working by toggling a VTR setting or something like that. I'll dig out my setup and test it out.
yeah some forums said to enable VCR mode, but I don't have that option even in the maintenance menu. But I'll patiently wait for you to check your settings.
Thank you,
Genuine Sony BKM-129x has a known fault, sync is a massive PITA in the few BVMs that it goes into
Martin Hejnfelt BKM-129x reproduction is superior to the original for this reason (this is also the case with the BKM-68X reproduction)

Short term fix (for Master system) is here, would be worth trying that first to see if it helps.
Yeah, the D14H5 doesn't have a VTR/VCR mode to enable. Not sure, but I think it might be all of the "H" model BVMs

I just tested CPS2 on my D14H5, and I do get a picture, but it does have a sync flagging/curl issue at the top (that I get with PC Engine and Dreamcast). I imagine running it through an Extron device like the Extron RGB 580xi would fix it.
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Genuine Sony BKM-129x has a known fault, sync is a massive PITA in the few BVMs that it goes into
Martin Hejnfelt BKM-129x reproduction is superior to the original for this reason (this is also the case with the BKM-68X reproduction)

Short term fix (for Master system) is here, would be worth trying that first to see if it helps.
I have Martin's version, and I will try the SMS fix as soon as I get down to the office.
Thank you,
And trying the sync fix in the video linked in the retrorgb post above doesn't fix it

I am using the official BKM-129x input card.
Ok. I just ran a test and my CPS2 worked fine on my BVM D14H5U. I remember 19XX gave me trouble years ago, but it worked just fine today.


My BVM has a 127W card in slot 1 for NTSC inputs (composite and s-video). I have a 129X card in slot 2 for RGB input. I also have a 129X clone in slot 3. The RGB from the HAS is connected to the 129X on slot 2.


I think the 127W NTSC card in slot 1 gives me access to the VCR setting.


In the past, I would toggle this setting and it fixed my rgb sync and rolling screen issues. Oddly, no matter what I do, I can't replicate the issue again.
And trying the sync fix in the video linked in the retrorgb post above doesn't fix it
I haven't tried that yet, but I'm not sure it'll help. I don't have a "slight" deformation. It's rolling and slanted maybe squishing 15 frames into 1 screen. I can only make out the Capcom yellow and blue to be sure it was working even that well.
Movie night with my daughter, so I'll be compiling the "fixes" and trying in the morning.
Thank you,
Ok. I just ran a test and my CPS2 worked fine on my BVM D14H5U. I remember 19XX gave me trouble years ago, but it worked just fine today.


My BVM has a 127W card in slot 1 for NTSC inputs (composite and s-video). I have a 129X card in slot 2 for RGB input. I also have a 129X clone in slot 3. The RGB from the HAS is connected to the 129X on slot 2.


I think the 127W NTSC card in slot 1 gives me access to the VCR setting.


In the past, I would toggle this setting and it fixed my rgb sync and rolling screen issues. Oddly, no matter what I do, I can't replicate the issue again.
are you using a HAS also or the ADCAP on top?
Yeah, the D14H5 doesn't have a VTR/VCR mode to enable. Not sure, but I think it might be all of the "H" model BVMs

I just tested CPS2 on my D14H5, and I do get a picture, but it does have a sync flagging/curl issue at the top (that I get with PC Engine and Dreamcast). I imagine running it through an Extron device like the Extron RGB 580xi would fix it.
running with the HAS? which input card and any odd settings? I'd love to just have a curling.
I'd love to just have a curling.

Is your sync configured correctly on your BVM? On the input configuration, do you have the Ext Sync Slot set to the input card's slot? (slot 2 in my case)


Do you have external sync turned on with the buttons on the panel (left side, shift button, then sync button)?

If I don't have that sync button turned on, I get a garbled image.


If the sync button is on, the image is clear.

Is your sync configured correctly on your BVM? On the input configuration, do you have the Ext Sync Slot set to the input card's slot? (slot 2 in my case)


Do you have external sync turned on with the buttons on the panel (left side, shift button, then sync button)?

If I don't have that sync button turned on, I get a garbled image.


If the sync button is on, the image is clear.

yes, I've tried with sync on and off, channelled into a 2nd card with a switch, and paired into green with internal sync.

I do have an SD-HDI card that it came with. I'm going to see if that re-enables the VCR mode.
Plan B would be a sync regenerator like the Extron RGB203rxi

Will take take all kinds of slightly weird sync and regenerate it in BVM friendly broadcast standards compliant format. Can also do fun scanline and RGsB tricks (PS2 in particular), and will also fix strange screen entering issues.

Unfortunately prices have been going up quite a bit recently, might be best to borrow one to ensure it's going to work before laying down the $$.

ok, this mornings try and results.
To clarify previously and currently,
I get the rolling image without sync, when sync (shift orange light, 3rd option) is on screen goes blank/black and I can't even show the configuration menu.

pulled all cards and tried only Martin's BNC 129x card and BKM-142HD, no VCR mode. no change
tried with 129x and BKM-120D, no VCR mode. no change.

Tried to copy all settings from the video describing how to correct the SMS "ripple" including all paused on screen settings and changed the suggested settings, no change.

I did get somewhere by just trying more options. When I press this button, while synced:


Screenshot 2024-02-11 at 9.24.49 AM.png

Google translated from the manual says it does what it did, except it "moved" from blank/black to 1/4 of the way from the left and increased brightness.

Does this help to diagnose the problem?
The HAS v4.2 functions as it should on the other monitor PVM-14L5.

Thank you all for your help and suggestions,
Is your sync configured correctly on your BVM? On the input configuration, do you have the Ext Sync Slot set to the input card's slot? (slot 2 in my case)


Do you have external sync turned on with the buttons on the panel (left side, shift button, then sync button)?

If I don't have that sync button turned on, I get a garbled image.


If the sync button is on, the image is clear.

Would you be able to run the cps2 into HAS into the BVM with just the 129x?
If you could do that successfully, screenshots of input configuration screens, maintenance menu screens, and HAS dip switches?
Thank you,
Tested with just the 129x board installed in slot 1:

I replicated the settings exactly.
with no change in my results.

I tested with the TTL or 75R with each of the 3 sync settings. No change. I can only get a picture on the screen with the Horizontal Delay.

@RGB do you have any ideas why this would work with a v3 but not with v4.2?

thank you,
No idea really, the RGB+CSync processing on both the V3.0 and V4.2 is exactly the same. The V3.0 had a different CSync regeneration circuit, but I can see that @meybarra isn't using CSync regeneration. My bad, the jumper is set to "regenerated CSync". @meybarra could you please check if other two CSync modes work?

The V4.2 allows to use a raw JAMMA CSync with no processing and it still wouldn't work on that BVM, which tells me it's the monitor/card. Especially because it works just fine on the PVM-14L5.
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