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Aug 16, 2016
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Got redirected here from KLOV. My Impress cabinet's power supply seems to have croaked. No 5vdc or 12vdc apparent, fan doesn't turn. Only passthrough to monitor working.

Does anyone know where I could source a power supply? This site is in Japan with no email, was hoping to find something in the US:

Any help getting this back up would be appreciated. Thank you!
That's not exactly a common cabinet or a common part, ordering from Japan is your best since those cabs are not native to the US, your only chance is if someone just happens to have a used PSU for one of these kicking around and is willing to part with it.

If it were me I'd try to repair the power supply you've got, sometimes they can be revived with a cap kit like you can with a monitor. Considering everything stopped at once (5V 12V and Fan) I'd suspect it's blown an internal fuse... even still it'd be worth investigating a cap kit.
Also while this is a great forum and we're certainly a lot more knowledgeable about modern/Japanese machines than KLOV you may also want to check out arcadeotaku.com they're a forum dedicated to candy cabs. the users there are predominantly from Europe but if anyone has a Impress PSU for sale or knows where to source one they'll be on that site.