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May 3, 2018
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Hey guys.

We have a 4 player ManxTT Superbike setup at HFS, and thanks to Video Game Esoterica, we found out about Motor Raid, which seems to be a much more fun game for our events, so we are studying the possibility of converting the cabs.

As a matter of fact, after reading the manuals, turns out the cabs are pretty much exactly the same in terms of functionalities, pots and buttons etc. So the we would not have to modify the cabs, except for stickers or marquees if we care to.

Both games run on Sega Model 2 A CRX hardware, and both manual contain their respective rom layouts (which look pretty identical despite having different part numbers), so in theory, we could only have to burn and swap a few eproms, move a few jumpers and be ready to go.

Is there anything we are forgetting that might ruin our plans ? Any security chip/dongle crap we do not know about ?

Besides, what model of eproms would we need?

Direct ROM Board swap. I have a Motor Raid ROM Board my friend bought for me as an early birthday gift. Unfortunately the one 2A Motherboard I have (from a VF2) has missing 3D graphics and the CPU board has oxidized pins, so I'm looking for a new one. I just sold a Sega Rally stack and I regret it already :(

Analog pinout for those playing in other cabinets:
Pin 6 - Brake (in Sega Rally this is accel)
Pin 6 - Accel (in Sega Rally this is steering)
Pin 9 - Bank (in Sega Rally this is brake). You will need to invert the +5V and GND on this for the correct steering.
You could remap these with Dupont connectors if you're playing this in other Model 2 racing cabinets (ideally Indy 500 or Touring Cars). The shifter is also mapped to the pins for Punch and Kick by default. It would probably be clunky to play with the 4-way shifter in Rally since the gears are stationary and not momentary.

Despite no force feedback I am going to try playing this in my LeMans24 (Model 3) cabinet. Ironically, the deluxe version of the game uses the same servo force feedback motor from Scud Race, but a different drive board. I wonder how hard it would be to get Motor Raid to work on a Model 3 drive board when set to Deluxe (my ROMs are currently Twin only). That's not documented well online...

I also love awbacon's videos. He is the most friendly person on YouTube when it comes to gaming channels and is more than willing to help people out, and not be "Mr. Untouchable the Selfish, Famous Person".

Good luck setting this up. Motor Raid is a hidden gem.